Gucci Coochie

If they want someone from New York, Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand seems a much better choice. To my knowledge, she doesn’t seem to have a lot of baggage and I’ve been generally happy with the job she’s been doing since elected Senator.

CBO is a right-wing organization. Fascists.

Man, he’ll do anything to get out of going to Trump’s inauguration.

I’m not old enough to remember the details of Bush’s legacy....but this letter will always be a way of looking back to a time when things weren’t as they are now.

Look on the bright side: She’s probably too incompetent to implement any of her psychotic policy goals!

I’m not saying get rid of The Concourse. But how many of the sub-blogs across the network are publishing Gawker-like stories written by former Gawker staffers? Gawker died a very Gawker death, its remnants scattered to the four corners of the Kinja... to do separately what a single blog used to handle.

Make America Gawk Again

Aim higher than “peacefully in his sleep”. Like “Secret Service won’t confirm or deny reports that during his heart attack, he had a Big Mac in his hand while sitting on the toilet with a hundred dollar bill wrapped around his genitals. However, the NSA does confirm that his phone had an unsent tweet which read

God I can’t wait for you to shut the fuck up and go get me my fries, as is your job.

Fuck You. Your gonna be so disappointed in the world on your death bed. All the shit you’re fight against will be the norm in 15 years. And you’ll just be the hateful old person that all the kids on the block are scared of...if you aren’t already.

I wish there was an afterlife, so you’d have to account for your general

The Subaru’s AWD system is light years better, but the CR-V beats in every other category.

They’re all grown in the same petri dish at Fox Labs.

Try reading the article next time.

“don’t elect an incompetent sociopath!”

this is good kinja

“They die in the street, hopefully not before finding Jesus first. Next question.”

I saw a show where a bunch of whites were raping each other and chopping their heads off, then another one where they kept shooting each other and eating disgusting amounts of pasta and another one where they all gave each other STDs. And the worst part is whites watch these shows and think it’s cool. then they blame

They are God’s children caught in a culture of country music...

Dude, I keep telling you: The guys on that webcam are not Biblical scholars!

I need to get one of these for the back of my Suburban.