Yes, unions vs. transgender bathroom rights, the classic “either-or” choice.
Nah, I think it’s going to be more like “Such unattractive sore losers- Sad!”
Yeah, and as a leader, Bernie just ran down to Louisiana to help the Senate run off candidate so the Democrats could have one more seat.
You magnificent bastard.
This is some extremely sophisticated NinjaKinja and I’m impressed...
It’s the simple things, really.
This joke is so stupid and has inspired so much anger. I love it.
I haven’t eaten since my last meal!
You mean an iTable?
As he waits for his coal job that’s never coming back.
Yeah, apparently Israel warned New Zealand that backing the resolution was ‘a declaration of war’.
Hey world let’s make up for ignoring the holocaust by letting Israel do whatever the fuck it wants to the Palestinians.
Bro, what you been smoking, lol!
Joseph Smith used this exact same strategy to start the entire Mormon religion.
Why is she flying coach, though? Marie Antoinette had more of a clue. Was this a sympathy stunt?
Right? I do kinda love that they’re fleecing all those idiots who fell for their shit, though!
Sounds like someone finds this thread to be a little gristly.
There’s no chance that wasn’t on purpose. Pro-level shade.