what a dear, dear animal. :-(
what a dear, dear animal. :-(
turns out shake shacks aren’t all exactly equal - we have 3, and 2 of them overcook the burgers, but that third one, oh, boy, still does it right.
and respectable republican publications will denounce this nuttery in 3, 2, 1....
not NYPOSTY enough
this is sad.
whoever started belting shit out when attention wasn’t enough would soon be my ex too.
did you say “fist?”
dem’s a keeper. merci.
if he deleted you, how can we be reading this?
yea, me too. but now we know the truth, don’t we? 2016 is but the opening act.
but, but... i thought all of the blahs grew up in public housing...?
just yesterday i went back to look for darrell’s work on the challenger space shuttle disaster. i hadn’t done that since gawker died. all the comments, gone. heartbreaking.
Hachi is not tomato. Really.
Count me as really happy to run into you again. I’ve missed you.
obama is still president. he should be forcing action on his nomination. he should have been forcing it all along, but he still has time. lame duck status be damned. he made the nomination long before lame duck. make it happen. recess if needs be.
How about not voting to confirm a SCOTUS nomination?
Too obvious.
This had frustrated me more than anything. What gets me through the night is the year isn’t over yet.;-)