Gucci Coochie

Caught by... who? His justice department? A Congress filled with halfwitted fucknuts? Who?

why does your husband hate christmas?

they can’t ever be white enough?

does not compute. if these producers are *known* to break agreements, people who continue to work with them *know* their agreements are a joke, and yet they still do it?

man here. cannot touch. going to check out lifehacker’s best cybermonday deals. sorry! 

oh, right, like scotus nominees will ever be considered by republican congresses again. good one!


hot take, brah!

i’m honored to add to your collection of stars commending the takedown of that dumbass’ histrionic ravings.

now now, not nice to brag about easy feats.

Newsflash 1: even people in NYC can, and do, own homes! I know you can’t imagine a life in NYC, but do try to have a little perspective.

even the rent on my box under the manhattan bridge is up 15%. sad.

we’d be so lucky....

no. this has been another edition of short answers to silly questions.

i expect cheney’s phone to be ringing off the hook for the next couple of months.

better nap regularly, friend. it is gonna be a LONG 4 years.

not yet that second twitter account. jan. 20. if he makes it that long.

it is a mystery why this post doesn’t have many, many stars. esp. for that last sentence.

just once? sad.

No not in the least. I’m blaming liberals for their turnout which I think had a hell of a lot to do with arrogance. Hey we got this in the bag, no way Trump can win etc....