Gucci Coochie

pennsylvania, wisconsin and michigan are all historically democrat-leaning states. if hillary carried these three states, she would have won. that means that either democrats in these states voted for trump, or they didn’t vote at all. so, yea, fuck them. #sorrynotsorry

eh, fuck clinton. she took states for granted nobody should have taken for granted. ... oh, and, while we’re about it, fuck you, pennsylvanian democrats, wisconsin democrats, and michigan democrats. just... fuck you.

bunch of sissies.

too obvious.

counterpoint: wall street is petrified of trump.

used a million times over, still excellent. that rare a gif.


You’re embarrassing Oprah, dearie.


Every time Jill opens her mouth, she accelerates climate change

Fuck off. I most certainly do not ride a GSXR.

did i say it was awesome? did i even imply it was awesome? get a life.

As a South African expat, may I just say SHUT THE FUCK UP? Jezebel isn’t here to cover your pet causes. Jesus.

Verizon threatening that is a joke. I’ve worked on Verizon accounts in 2 major add agencies in New York. They accept any warm bodies that come through the door, the account is so shitty.

Imma gonna need an explain for that last sentence, bub. Please?

Millennials listen to Katy Perry? Boy are we in trouble.

3/10. Mediocre trolling.

you’re good.