No shit: I’d rather spend the time and fundage on a stock un-rashed 924. At least there you get the slowly increasing novelty/rarity of the Cult of Lump.
Mmm-hmmm. An immensely rich and deep Design palette to source from and yet they go with a front end of discount-bin Universal Honeycomb Grille RadnessTM and Lampy McSquintface overall aspect.
This, forever amen. Hey Designers: just because you no longer HAVE to design the face of a car with round DOT headlights doesn’t make every squirelly-assed squinty rhombus headlight package you can dream up a Great Idea.
Oh man, now Munich is falling victim to the insidious Universal Design Brief too: take the kidneys away and extend that awful black lozenge under-grill up higher and it turns into an Audi or Hyundai or Ford product.
What’s the over/under that Angry Jeepface BroTM also has uber-farkled AR15 chubbydreams too? :ear
Isetta guy is this Friday’s Confirmed Hero of Sporting Conscience and Comedic Spirit AwardTM winner. :clap
Who knew there would one day be hyper-defensive Pro-FIAT fanbois on the World Wide Web?! Nobody knew, that’s who. Laugh Out Loud!
FIAT’s thoughtfully-designed idiot lights also have the added cachet of being the most rust-prone idiot lights in the entire history of the car time. More Winning!
No shit. “Like, being potentially-crucially visible to other drivers/riders is soooo 20th century. Because Dusk.”
That guy sucks at Like A Boss
“I had an East German Shepherd once. He was very, very disciplined.”
This fine machine reminds us that for the better part of 3 decades BMW had some of the best-looking tail lights in the business. Elegant, smart, that subtle design cachet borne of simplicity, a Grace of form-following-function.
Faith Restored in Humanity Accomplished
Quality article that took me back to my own 2002 obsession in the late 80s-early 90s (fun fact: my car came from Boulder originally so Art Krill may well have worked on it.... connections!)
Super-awesome World Power- hey-you-stop-laughing! is so super-awesome that its super-awesome Pride compels it to troll a single U.S. company.
My heart goes out to the millions of people in the world who subsist daily on rice and who possess no refigerators whatsoever and who never get ‘The Rice Poisoning’ and for whom this article basically means fuck-all. Sad!
Post Of The Year.