Hey now, maybe he still had the poop that is Nebraska football on his cleats.
Hey now, maybe he still had the poop that is Nebraska football on his cleats.
“And thus.... the Brogan Roback era began.”
Oooooooooooh, this article! The whites in the grays are gonna see red.
Dream product endorsement: “A giant whale just died in Thailand after eating 80 plastic bags.”
For a man that empties himself of shit on Twitter numerous times a day, that’s almost impressive.
Pfft. Flop.
As the man that sold out Seattle’s NBA legacy, Howie can fuck off into the sun.
As someone who came to see
Based on his name, wouldn’t this sound more like “Jewwwwwwwwwwwww....?” Wait. Uh-oh.
I’m no supermodel, but Pete Davidson? He looks like a Cro-Magnon skeleton with a drug problem.
Of that enormous sum, $425 million will be divided among the women and girls, with $75 million set aside for any future Nassar survivors who come forward.
That’s turrible.
Her failure in this job would be worse than the same hypothetical failure by, say, David Blatt, because Assholes are Assholes.
I’ve come to expect more from Gambino musically, but GOD DAMN, is that video chillingly effective.
Somewhere, Morrissey’s breathing a sigh of relief that his recent hot political takes will now follow him back into relative obscurity.