Harrison Ford.
Harrison Ford.
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He was a pilot of T-16 Skyhoppers in atmosphere firing civilian grade weapons. Not X-Wings in space nailing Proton Torpedo shots blind, while veteran pilots were missing those same shots with targeting computers. Not to mention that he lasted long enough against Vader for the Falcon to rescue him. Hate Rey if you…
I bet he’s not even an actual Bullgod! And his claims of being a kid grow more questionable by the day!
I don’t understand the logic that because something is unattainable right now that it’s not worth fighting for. How does one expect to make progress if they aren’t willing to even try?
Yep — it also plants the idea of single payer thoroughly in the realm of the possible, as far as public discourse. It’s not a pipe dream. It’s not a pony. It’s a real, achievable proposal (no, not with this Congress, as literally everyone in favor of single payer acknowledges), and it’s long past time we saw it as…