
So, I’m not even going to feel guilty for thinking when I read the title “So what’s his connection to Barbuda?”

I bet his check clears before Trump’s.

I’ve served in the military, and I’ve spent eight years of my life risking a bullet in the ass to support and defend the Constitution of the United States. The Constitution, by way of it’s first Amendment, gives us the right of protest by forbidding the creation of laws that infringe upon the freedoms of speech,

I think it’s weird that they would have umbridge with Colin Kapernick for not standing for the anthem while having zero problem with the NFL doing everything in its power to exploit military personnel for financial gain.

I too served our country so let me remind you that our service is what gives him the freedom to protest! You don’t have to agree. Keep in mind he’s protesting the fact that black people are being murdered by the police and nothing is being done about it! Soo if it’s not “And justice for ALL”, then why be mad at his

Oh, look! Another keyboard warrior who fellates the flag but is too stupid to know that the people it’s supposed to represent is more important than some dumb ass piece of fabric or a shitty ass racist as fuck anthem that’s attached to it and the veteran themselves would tell you that if you actually knew any.

I’m currently in the military and haven’t heard anyone complaining about Kap’s protest. FFS, it’s every American’s right to protest. I’m more offended that people are actually offended by this. Read a history book, or at least your beloved Constitution.

So you just conveniently missed all the active duty service folks and veterans who backed Colin. STOP. INVOKING. THEIR. NAME. Some have spoken up and said they fight to protect his freedom to protest the way he see fits. Also if your stupid ass actually knew any personally (which why would you omit as you’re trying to

I mean, I feel like if you are having an argument with someone and you bring up people in the military as a “reason,” then you’ve lost. I haven’t thought this all the way through, but I’m 90% certain of it. Unless it has to do with VA benefits and hospitals or deployments, why do people feel the need to drag them

He hates the Williams sisters too. Has since at least 2009.

And here is some more veterans in support of what he is doing.

Both my parents served in the military. My father is literal war hero. Neither feels disrespected by Kaepernick’s actions, and both agree with his cause. They are also both POC who have been unfairly discriminated against by police at some point in their lives despite living a very straightlaced (and absurdly strict)


in other words we can take your being a narrow-minded asshole at face value


I move that Chris “Kid” Reid is henceforth uninvited from the Cookout.

I legit thought it was Dustin Diamond.

I posted this on VSB but it needs to be read here: