I am not justifying what happened.
I am not justifying what happened.
I just am curious.
“In the criminal justice system, the people are represented by two separate yet equally racist groups: the police, who fabricate crime; and the district attorneys, who want to be governor. These are their stories.”
Can’t star this enough. I have 2 kids in their mid teens, if I handcuffed either of them for any reason, it’d be considered abuse. How the fuck does this cop get a pass for that shit?
What happened didn’t make sense.
Yeah but if the DA pursues it the cops won’t let him play pickup basketball on Saturday.
I literally cannot think of a situation where what the cop did makes sense. I just want to know if there was anything else going on.
YEET! (I don’t know what it means, but I’ve heard it a bunch.) Beep beep, I’m a sheep. What’s 9 + 10? 21!!! I have the high ground!
I have a 12 year old. He is a really sweet kid and I absolutely adore him.
So, you can’t think of a situation where what the cop did makes sense? Literally, any situation?
Here’s the full story.
Someone needs to explain to the cops that “Respect my authoritah!” is not a law. Do they even get training any more or do they just watch South Park and COPS on the Spike network (or whatever it’s called now) in between rounds at the shooting range until their uniforms come in?
Go fuck yourself.
Holy shit, are you dumb? Read the article. It's very clear. He was IN A GYM where basketball was being played, and was dribbling a ball. That's it. That's literally it. You racist pieces of shit will ignore the clear facts to make up your own racist rationalizations. There was no reason why this boy should have been…
Not just kids. I find it hard as an adult to hold a basketball on a basketball court without bouncing it. It’s like denying the ball its purpose.
Reaching out to the youth...and handcuffing them because they don’t know how to handle kids.
Hmm, a good lawyer might be able to make a kidnapping case out of this. Unlawful detention at a minimum.
Maybe they should pick people that have actually been around kids to do this stuff? Obnoxious is an 11 year olds default setting and you have to work around it for a little bit to earn their respect.