As a survivor, I ...
As a survivor, I ...
You KNOW in his head he was muttering
Waiting on the “See? You SEE?!” crowd in 5...4...3...2...1....
Possible addendum:
As a native Alabamian who has had a viseral hatred of one Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III for as long as I remember (he’s literally held one political office or another MY ENTIRE FLUCKIN’ LIFE), this inspiration for J.R.R. Tolkien’s Gollum has ALWAYS had the SAME M.O. :
Sorry for the delayed response. Here’s my take on it:
👏🏿ALL👏🏾OF👏🏽 THIS 👏🏼
That’s SARALAND- a Cracka-esque suburb of Mobile. Mz. Clemmons is from “the other side of the tracks”: Prichard, AL. Saraland is 75% WYTE, Prichard 95% BLACK.
Thanks for the info. Seems like the Aussie government plagiarized STRAIGHT from the US policy for our First Peoples. EXACT SAME SHIT, just on an older channel, SMH.
The Hubster is a Firefighter/ EMT. Not two months ago, he came home PISSED that this wyte woman popped up at the station, BANGING on the door and waylaying the doorbell at 5:30 a.m. They had been at a multiple casualty accident on I-10 for hours, and had barely gotten to sleep before shift change at six.
There’s an ol skool phrase for it:
Because the mere SUGGESTION that their Pumpkin Spice Lattes may be threatened is damned near as threatening as taking a knee
On point as usual. Very proud of my fellow queens, my people, my hometown (MOBTOWN, WE DID IT BABY!!), and my fellow voters of conscious here in Alabama. I AM NOT going to thank “Alabama” itself or as a whole because 625,000 + of those fucktards still voted for Moore. Anyhoo, I need to go fix some more popcorn,…
Let’s say it all together: “Racial dog whistle”!!
While I get some of the reasons why this plays again and again in our families’ traditions and history, the answer is right there in our very genetic makeup, so the whole “we got Indian in our family” rigarmarole is OLD now unless that DNA backs it up. My own DNA profile slowed some Native American, Jewish, and…
Wow. I know your quip was supoosed to be funny, but did you really just #NotAllWhitePeople? ON THE ROOT?! Flag on the play, bud: Illegal defense, 10 yard penalty, remains 4th down. Penalty is accepted by the offense, and the ball is placed on the defence’s 1 yard line..
More important than all that “science” jazz, did you REALIZE it’s ALL his fault Steele Reserve went off sale from $3.99 for a case of 24 tallboys to $4.25 at the Piggly-Wiggly??? TF Barack
Respectfully disagree. My husband and I just discussed this, and I pointed out that MOST wypipo ARE Nancy and think this way, but since they have a co-signer in the WH, and think they can hide behind their keyboards, it’s bubbling up and out. I’ve just taken the stance that if I expect that they think, and therefore…
Dame, you just gonna keep throwing bricks, huh?