I worked in a library when I was in High School. There was nothing worse than the people who thought “library” meant “free babysitting”.
I worked in a library when I was in High School. There was nothing worse than the people who thought “library” meant “free babysitting”.
I don’t understand people needing chilled to almost frozen butter. I get WHY it’s often served that way, but I’ve seen some people get upset when the butter isn’t at a temperature that will mean their roll or bread will be destroyed by the time they are ready to eat it.
I believe I can speak for all of us when I say, “Fuck Church Groups”
Next week better be funny. Because I’m starting to hate people again.
Seriously. Christ on a cracker what’s wrong with whatever district manager decided to pay him for 166 hours. The optics of this are so fucking bad, that the should have just said - you know what, we’re not sure how much he worked, so we’re going to pay him as if he worked full time for a year - 2080 hours. This is…
They were so, so close to not fucking this up, and then I got to the second to last paragraph.
You made an obscure Discworld reference. In no reality along the trousers of time could you be a dummy.
Right. This is baffling to me. Waiters get minimum wage in Australia and tipping isn’t standard practice and yet we haven’t yet had a total breakdown of customer service yet? In general servers are really friendly and helpful to me despite the fact that I’m not extorting them.
“I like to make a difference, not just to be a bit of a big shot or be noticed or appreciated, but to give some of what I make to those who make less.”
I’ll allow it just this once.
Yesterday, Richard Cohen wrote a piece about tipping. Oh boy. Strap in.
Here in Qatar there are coins- 50,20 and apparently 5. I rarely see any of them. Usually the price is rounded up or down to the nearest Riyal. Restaurants, shops, supermarkets...everywhere does it. Sometimes they give you chewing gum as change. Sometimes you get a coin. It seems to work out fair enough in the end. (A…
Those people who complained will crap themselves if they visit Canada, we got rid of the penny.
There’s a little hole in the wall lunch place near my work that does Gyros and hot sandwiches, and they have their prices set up so everything comes to even dollar amounts including tax. The sign says a hot pastrami sandwich costs 5 bucks and a can of soda is a buck, you’re slapping down 6 bucks and walking out with…
I have to say, BCO has spurred two important changes in the way I act in restaurants.
I can’t remember his whole spiel, because my brain was filled with the enraged screams of my primal warrior ancestors and I was battling to keep a pleasant expression on my face.