
Ugh wonder if this was a Bruce Timm thing since he had them have a relationship sometime between BTAS and Batman Beyond. Never really cared for it there, where she was same age and even dated one of Bruce’s sons Dick which made it a bit creepy. Adding it to the mess of Killing Joke is the worst

It’s truly joyless. You read it in every review because it’s true. Wonder Woman is the sole character who seems to enjoy being alive...and she’s in it for ten minutes.

Its the electric violin that really sells it more then the more other parts.

The fact that I’m so sick of it is what makes me really hope they include it in The LEGO Batman Movie.

Basically she shows up, says very little and kicks ass with a smile on her face. She’s around in costume, less than 10 minutes.

So...if Batman’s refusal to kill is a character flaw, his committing mass murder eliminates that flaw? Interesting...

I’ve convinced myself that Pa Kent wasn’t a hallucination. He was actually transported up to the Himalayas by that tornado and he’s been up there ever since just stacking rocks and thinking about his bitter flood cake.

With the death of Bruce Wayne’s parents, as is legally mandated in every goddamn movie he appears in.