
Bravo, buriburizaemon. You've discovered an extremely old thread and neglected to read the zillions of other replies that essentially said the exact same thing you just did. Please accept this gif for a job well done.

Not only that, but homosexuality was, not so long ago, considered to be a form of mental illness. Not just by people on the right, but by an entire field of study.

If we think of "toy poodle" as a discrete unit, then I'd say that your answer is more or less correct. But if the question is, "How much poodle matter can fit in a hallway linen closet?" then we can talk about volume, or we can talk about mass. First we would need to understand the maximum density of poodle matter,

I'm trying positive reinforcement. ;) The trollish kind.


For the record, I would never leave a LEGO-LOTR room. Ever. Never in my life. Especially if it were LEGO Bag End.

Rob, the fact that you would never leave a LEGO-Avengers hotel room is exactly why they would never build it. Who needs the hassle of prying nerds out of hotel rooms?

I like this article, Mr. Dvorsky. Please continue to write about cute animals.

Crap, I think I should have said "It's a million to one chance." Glad you understood it, anyway.

Me too! It's one of the reasons io9 is awesome. ;)

It's a one in a million chance...

Why not, Zoidberg?

I've noticed that I hold female authors to a higher standard than I do male authors (I'm also a feminist, and a woman). It's definitely not conscious, but many of the books that I read are written by men. I'm trying to change that. But I let male authors get away with things in their writing that I don't when

I love to watch people perform the Haka. It's damned intimidating, and really gets the blood flowing.

The Hobbit II: Electric Boogaloo.

Nope, just narrowly avoiding it whooshing past my head.

But remember - articles about why men are obsessed with breasts or 3D printing sex toys are A-okay!

It's...It's you!

I think I understand why I was bothered by this now - the "smug" attitude, the lack of awe and wonder that you're talking about, the belief in knowing more than everyone else - that attitude is not specific to atheists, or any other group of people. There are plenty of religious people with that attitude as well.