
Agreed - having to justify atheism, while being told that I have to "respect other people's beliefs", which usually means not criticizing them, is tiresome.

To take the stamp-collecting metaphor a little further:

Joke's on you, Charlie. ;)

Atheism is a religion the same way that not collecting stamps is a hobby.

All faiths are false. Mormonism isn't especially so.

Well, Amurrika must be saved by real, traditional Amurrikans, doncha know.

It's okay, Frank - you can come out. ;)

*Sighs happily* There's the lack of copy-editing that I know and love.

Citation needed.

Being dead is probably the ultimate inconvenience, yes.

These people are "pro-life" too.

Call me crazy, but you'd think that hospitals would be in the business of saving lives instead of letting someone die.

I wish that more people in the U.S. were aware of the terrible circumstances that are present in countries where abortion is outlawed.

So awesome.

Abortion was effectively outlawed in Mississippi by forcing the few remaining clinics left to have their physicians obtain admitting privileges to the local hospitals, which are extremely hard to get. Want to guess which state has one of the highest infant mortality rates in the country?

Premise 1: A woman, or female-bodied person capable of becoming pregnant, is an autonomous individual with the human right to make legal medical decisions about their own body.

Do they have crackpot movie reviews where you're going? I...I need those!

I know. But all of these "Pro-choice BUT" people make me tired. Their personal ickiness regarding abortion is why those polidicks are able to get away with what they do.

Sure, but it's not as though gay people didn't exist during that time. Extreme closeting, yes - abstinence? I really doubt it.

What if Leonardo were portrayed as gay, as he might have been?