Absolutely none of that matters if the pregnant person does not want to continue the pregnancy. There is no way that a potential personhood, or even an actual personhood, can trump someone's else's personhood.
Absolutely none of that matters if the pregnant person does not want to continue the pregnancy. There is no way that a potential personhood, or even an actual personhood, can trump someone's else's personhood.
Cancerous tumors are genetically distinct from the host. That doesn't make them persons. The argument from DNA is a really simplistic and not-at-all useful or encompassing to base "personhood" on it.
I already hearted you, dammit!
How magnanimous of you to put "the life of the mother" in quotations like that, as if it's less important than something that was forced on her.
I'm surprised you'd let kitty claws anywhere near your pubic area.
So cute!
But it does test your ability to take tests. People who re-take IQ tests tend to do better each time. That doesn't necessarily mean that their base level of intelligence is increasing - it just means that they're figuring out how to get better scores. If IQ tests measured something that was immutable, then there…
Nope, and I agree with you! ;) It just bothers me when I see people talking about "geeks" and "women" as though the categories are mutually exclusive. I think that talking like that disappears geeky women, and that's not right. I understand that some people might prefer partners that don't share the same kinds of…
Men can be geeks, but all geeks are not men. If you'd like, I'll change my terminology to sub-category.
Hey, you know how Omni's story is about how it's hard for geeky men to meet women sometimes? Yeah, this is why.
The default of "geek" is not "male". Men are a subset of geek, just as women are.
I actually first saw it linked here on io9, way back when. I found it again by Googling "You're just jealous of my jetpack." ;)
Whoa. This makes me sad, too. And I think she's causing herself to miss out on some pretty awesome stuff.
Can I....can I live there?
Interesting. So E.T. being a nightmare-inducing walking terror was either an unintended consequence of his design or Spielberg has just never copped to the fact that he wanted to scare the pants off little kids. ;)
That's terrible. My sympathies to the people who loved him.
Staring at him with their dead eyes....
Thermal bandages. Riiiiiiiiiiiiight.