
Hmm. I knew there was a reason that I hated this movie.

It's ma'am, actually - and I love the film. I love Bill Murray. But really, the Top 10 movies of the entire century encompasses a lot of really great films, and I'm just not seeing how it makes the cut. Top 20, absolutely. No question.

I stopped taking Stanley Fish seriously after I read his Top 10 movies of the century. "Groundhog Day" is good, but it's not Top 10 good.

Oh, I will web-search everything when I have the means. I don't carry an internet-connected device with me all the time, however, and anyway that's useless when someone is relating knowledge that is experiential rather than empirical.

I do this more than I care to admit. I'm trying to get better about admitting gaps in my knowledge, or about staying quiet and learning when something I know nothing about is being discussed.

Yes, of course I've heard it, ha ha ha ha, very funny. I'm going to be pedantic and point out, however, that most women menstruate for 5 days on average, and that 7 days is just on the cusp of being an indicator of an irregular cycle.

This was the best picture I was able to take of it, as seen from Kanarraville, UT. You can see the reflections of the "Ring of Fire" in the lens.

That's how I hope people read the Twilight series.

WHOA WHOA WHOA! What's with all the BNL hate? Don't crap on the most celebrated alternative rock groups ever to come out of Canada!

The only thing I can suggest would be an attempted marathon, I think. I originally thought that Community was a dumb The Office wanna-be and refused to watch it until my brother practically forced me to see "Modern Warfare." From then on I was hooked.

Yes. Yes we can.

Love that movie!

Seems like a little analytical thinking would have enabled the test subjects to avoid forcing themselves to consume something utterly distasteful for no reason than that they were told to (and the five cents per shot, of course), allowed them to step away from an unsolvable problem sooner, AND allowed them to postpone

Hmmm.... I seem to remember an episode of Community about this, where Troy asks Jeff whether wearing his letterman jacket to college was okay. Troy was concerned that if he wore it, people would think he was too "high school", and if he took it off, it would make him weak because he's bowing to peer pressure.

I don't cherry pick episodes, either, except to just indicate which ones are my favorites. I just know that having fallen in love with the show FIRST, and THEN watching the series from the beginning, that a completist approach might not be the best way to go if you really want to get into it. The characters are

I don't think that this is over-thinking or over-analyzing a sitcom. My opinion of Community is that it's far from any kind of cookie-cutter sitcom and deals with things in a humorous, sometimes edgy and sometimes dark style. It's funny and inclusive, if you'll only give it a chance. And if you really do want to

There are only so many hearts I can give you, you know.

Facebook is the Dr. Manhattan of the internet? They're both blue...

It's still not gone - I've heard many cases of women who have tried to talk to their doctors about a tubal ligation procedure, only to have the doctors refuse (don't want to be liable in case of a change of mind) or even require the permission of the woman's husband to go through with it.

No, it's that most OB/GYNs counsel their patients to wait until after having a child/children before having one implanted. The effectiveness doesn't change with whether or not the woman has been pregnant in the past.