
Well aren’t you a special little snowflake??!!

I like you

Did we have the same parents? Mine did the exact same thing, and I still vividly remember the first time my mom lectured me when I was having a birthday party and didn’t want to invite someone (my mom was and is a black belt in parental guilt). I was in the 1st grade, and this was my first “big kid” (I know) birthday

I have some of those things but people still like me...

What the shit???? When I was a kid, my parents made me go to several classmates’ parties that I didn’t want to go to. They also made me invite people I didn’t want to invite to my parties because they didn’t want kids left out. I strongly believe this taught me a valuable lesson about including people and doing the

Oh, SNAP! I hope the kid becomes that classic tale of odd child becomes rich famous adult. And invites none of those classmates to anything

When I was 8 I insisted on inviting the boy from my class (who had behavioural problems, due to a poor family life) to my birthday party. Other parents took my mum aside to ask her ‘if she was sure’. My mum was worried and checked with my, and apparently I replied that I knew he didn’t get invited to parties a lot,


I lean heavily on it when sad, angry, frustrated, confused, furious. So, basically, every day when I read the news.

That is my sister’s favorite quote, and such a good one to remember.

When it comes to dealing with the world’s assholes and atrocities, I live by the words of Mr. Fred Rogers.

1) People are the fucking worst

Too lazy OR he totally got off on his fake lifestyle that to him made him feel like a badass.

Yeah...that margarine hair, those severe cheekbones, that Joker’s not good. And she really needs bangs. She’s practically thinning on top. The worst part is, she probably reads all this criticism about her appearance and consoles herself with the “knowledge” that we’re all “just jealous.” She probably

It’s pretty easy to tell which personalities are insufferable jerks to those they feel are “beneath” them by observing the revenge exacted by stylists and makeup artists.

I suggest getting a dog. You'll feel better. Personally, I find complaining and avoiding the work is a good strategy. Seriously though, I am a master procrastinator. Most of my hassles task wise revolve around preparing info for my complicated tax returns. I dread it. It's not even a matter of starting small that's

Ha, I am getting married in October and it will have been a two year engagement, because I knew I would have trouble planning it. I totally get you. I never had anything visualized, I don't give a shit about "colors". I'm taking solace in the idea that tons of things on my to do list were extraneous crap that someone

I hate to sound super corny, or like some wedding obsessed princess. This article, and I am writing this in tears, has been a Godsend. I am getting married July 4th, and have only picked the venue, and sent save the dates. No colors, no dress, no wedging party, caterer, nothing. I sat 10 hours today still, with pen

omg wow the pseudopenis wow wow wow