Awesome party pics! What a beautiful little girl.
Awesome party pics! What a beautiful little girl.
She seems very likable, does;t she? I bet she’s Canadian.
Kids are developmentally selfish, so as adults, we have to work with that. It’s up to US to teach/coach them out of being little ME shitheads. Parties/social events are a small but crucial step in that development.
I sent Mystic Boy to many Bday parties he didn’t particularly want to go to ... for the same reasons listed above. He always came home happier, except for the one time he got bit. But that’s ok, because the biter had a couple ‘lights out’ so it wasn’t his fault. And the biter became a good friend.
This was especially poignant to me after 9/11.
I love when anyone quotes from Masshole Sports, because he's a good friend of my sister and he featured her in some inane, funny videos a couple years ago. He's funny and smart as hell and always good for an entertaining night. Thanks.
I had the Mirena removed after 2 months. I felt it stabbing me every time I turned on my left side. The OB Gyn said it was inserted 'too low' (whatever the fuck that means) which is why I felt it when I turned. It was a shame, really.
Batali's food is fucking amazing. With the exception of his stuffed clam recipe... God that was terrible.
If I'm working with livestock, keeping everything clean would be a priority.
Adorable girl and cow, but ugh that porch is filthy.
We keep a water bowl in the bedroom in case the cat gets stuck with us. She doesn't wake us for food, but she flips out if we close our bedroom door when she's not in there.
Or you can just tie end knots on drawstrings while they're still new and intact. That way they don't disappear into the tunnel of drawstring hell.
Yes, that was a mistake.
I worked at Nordstrom years ago and we had a customer return a single left shoe one day. It was in the box, wrapped in tissue and well worn. We asked where the other shoe was. He just shrugged. We gave him back his $$.
I did the bar elbow with Stanley Tucci at Babbo one night. He kept looking at my husband, I think he thought he knew him from somewhere (he doesn't). Nice guy.
L'Oreal in China still tests on animals.
Sandwich High (Cape Cod) one year let loose 4 chickens, each was tagged.
MIT parties are the BEST. I always turned down BU and Emerson parties if anything was happening at MIT.