Soos, Handyman of the Apocalypse

Compression sleeve, from the looks of it. His hand in the glove looks like it’s uncovered.

I don’t disagree with what Kaepernick is doing, my question is more “Why now, what are your goals, and what are you, Colin Kaepernick, personally doing to make the changes you seek?” I get the feeling that he didn’t think that anybody would notice, and as such, didn’t realize he needed to have a plan in place (even if

IT developer here. Agree with this assessment. If you know your workload is bare and needs to be updated, don’t be afraid to speak up. Seriously. Your boss will actually be happy you came to him for something. It might not be “ideal”, but at least it will keep you somewhat productive.

They refuse to fire the stupid idiot walrus-lookin’ ass motherfucker of a coach despite the fact no one in the history of history has ever been worst with time management or common sense things.

It’s shit like this that makes me prefer the original Tokyo Broadcasting Service format for Sasuke (which is what ANW is based off of). It’s a live 6+ hour broadcast that follows the entire cadre of 100 participants starting at Stage 1 until they all fail out or someone tops the final stage. The only reason they do

Kaepernick also refused to stand for the national anthem before the first two preseason games, but he wasn’t dressed to play and nobody noticed.

Ah, Chris Henry. Forget where I saw the report about his accident when it happened, and someone made a comment about the Bengals always getting killed on the road.

Not going to lie, felt rather dirty after the end of that Wild Card game in January, and I’m a Steeler fan.

I get wanting to sell the naming rights as it is clearly lucrative, depending on the product on the field/court/rink, of course, but there are certain teams and individuals that are synonymous with their impact on their respective sports that makes it seem petty to push that aside for such a cash grab.

That’s because it was originally the MCI Center before Verizon bought them out. IIRC, that naming partnership is about due to expire next year anyways.

Nice going, Barry. It appears the Cincinnati Zoo has taken out their Twitter handle...

To be fair, whoever runs the Cinci Zoo’s Twitter handle kind of walked into that one, not unlike Harambe walking into the line of sight of his murderer.

But they didn’t beat Harambe to death. They shot his ass. IN BROAD DAYLIGHT!

I’m assuming NFL mouthpiece Peter King is safe, yes?

And how long do they have the contract with the OBS this time? Please, make it stop.

And when scouts asked Christian Hackenberg why he was so fucking terrible in college, he blamed his coaches. Wrong answer, young man. TAKE SOME DAMN RESPONSIBILITY FOR YOUR SUCKINESS.

For some reason, this takes me back to 1988 in Seoul where the men’s 4x100m relay team got bounced for a handoff mishap. Aside from the obvious difference in which team it was, it came down to being a couple of steps outside the transfer zone that ended up costing the team a medal in the final. I remember watching

What’s next for Allyson Felix? Some random fan attacks her in the transfer zone coming out of the stands?

This shit just keeps getting better by the minute.

Lead, and metric fucktons of it, from what I hear.