Soos, Handyman of the Apocalypse

The only reason the Cult of Wawa has such a foothold here is they keep to their franchising strategy in Maryland as they do up in the Philadelphia area, which I can only sum up as “blatant”.

12 years ago, the wife and I honeymooned in Europe. Sky Sports happened to be one of the channels offered at the hotel we were staying at. They had the live feed from Blackpool, and we were enamored by the score caller’s 3 pack a day rasp, especially on the 180s.

So Dez is essentially like this on Twitter at the moment:

I think it comes down to a couple of factors:

Or as the Penguins called the game last night: “Practice”.

This is good Kinja.

No, it’s definitely because DK is such a douche, apparently.

The only thing I can give Haley credit for was actually treating the OL like it was an actual commodity after the way Arians ran it into the ground. I had friends giving me shit for calling for Arians’ head after every game where it was obvious that trying to be cute by taking guys out of their natural positions only

That’s the sad part.

Still better than Phil Simms.

Oh, it’s definitely because he’s a shitty coach. Using his time at Penn State as an excuse just provides cover for the UT faithful to say, “LOL, JK.”

Except that Fleury did help start this whole thing before one of the Wings decided to knee him in the head. Wasn’t until that Game 3 ECF shelling in Ottawa that Flower became human again last season. Part of the reason it sucked that he had to go, but I won’t say that his playoff run last season didn’t instill some

Not for nothing, McPhee does happen to know a thing or two about putting a team together. He was GM for the Capitals, after all. Now while those teams all looked good on paper, and did end up performing consistently in the regular season, it’s that whole inability to get out of the second round of the playoffs that

The problem in this case is that Dusty Baker just can’t get it done in the NLDS. This was a problem in San Francisco, Cincinnati, and even Chicago before he got to Washington. Sure, you can get decent numbers in the regular season, but if the expectation is to make an NCLS or even World Series, and you’re just not

I’ve been to Craps games. They scream “O!” just like Orioles fans do.

As a transplant to the Baltimore area, my understanding is that Dundalk is a festering cesspool of ignorance and intolerance.

Back when all of this blew up, Isaac was on Stern or O&A (I can’t remember which program) and a caller asked him directly about the whole “Trapped In The Closet” situation. Isaac responded with describing his impressions of Matt and Trey and how they operate, and he ended with this quote:

Phil Simms is the current iteration of understanding why my grandfather always muted the TV while watching ANY sport.

If by “my fault” they mean either changing the channel or pressing the mute button whenever he talked, then yes, I can accept responsibility for that. But that’s it.

It’s not Ike Taylor’s fault that he’s old. That was the contributing factor on that play. It happens.