You know what? Joel Osteen owns three fucking multimillion dollar mansions and Creeflo Dollar Jr. is going to get that plane to match his Bently collection. The 501(c)(3) exemption status should be revoked and many churches should be audited.
You know what? Joel Osteen owns three fucking multimillion dollar mansions and Creeflo Dollar Jr. is going to get that plane to match his Bently collection. The 501(c)(3) exemption status should be revoked and many churches should be audited.
All the fellas used to call it a honey pot back in nineteen-dickety.
Sure it is. White people have no problem constantly telling black people as a whole to take accountability for other black people. Why can't white people take accountability as a whole for what white people say or do?
Lurleen. Lurleen. Lurleen. Lurrrleeeeen.
I'm begging of you please put down that pan.
Lurleen. Lurleen. Lurleen. Lurrrleeeeen.
Please don't bake it just because you can.
"When you play with heart..."
If you don't want to wedding-plan, get married ASAP. The longer the engagement, the deeper the crazy.
My oh my, quite a wreck. These kinds of accidents always make me think the same thoughts:
You know why I don't care who actually saw the 2nd tape? Because it shouldn't matter. No one should have to actually see the punch to know what happened. This is just throwing a bunch of shit on the wall to distract us from the fact that Ray Rice dragging his now-wife out of the elevator unconscious and Rice…
When seeing a black person makes you angry and you can't figure out why, it's time to take a deep look inside yourself.
This argument of, well that's how I was brought up is bullshit. I was brought up being hit with whatever was in the near vicinity. Along with being beat, I was sexually abused and guess what? I don't think that's the right way to be. Just because you were brought up in a shitty manner, does not mean that you…
That is no holy book. That is a grown ass baby with delusions of grandeur and 1st grade syntax talking to himself in the the third person publicly.
After giving the situation additional thought, we have decided this is the appropriate course of action for the organization and for Adrian.
I don't know how the Vikings thought there wouldn't be an uproar given the current climate. I don't know how they thought they could just play Peterson.
No. That's not what he is saying. He is just saying that he wants to hide behind "due process" as his out so that he can have a better chance to win football games. This doesn't show that he doesn't think the facts are that bad, it just shows what kind of emphasis these people put on a fucking football game.
Not wearing it to support women, either. $$$$$$
My heart hurts for the kid in the passenger seat. Every word, every syllable, every gesture, all the screaming ... it's all getting absorbed, all getting internalized. Not to justify in ANY way what she did, but when I have the kids in the car and someone does something really dangerous, yeah, I get mad. You put my…
The NFL and the Ravens are responsible for wilfully ignoring the seriousness of the situation out of their own self-concern, and they used this VICTIM of a violent crime as a game piece in their concentrated effort to minimize the seriousness of the situation. So yes, Ray Rice is centrally responsible, but the NFL…
You can't be serious with this. Even your "it's not OK" caveat is worthless in the rest of that pile of BS. If Ray Rice can't laugh off his now-wife hitting him and/or restrain her enough to avoid being hit, then he has a whole lot of other issues. I've been with a fighty woman in my life. You walk the fuck away and…