
The US healthcare system is broken for two primary reasons.

And the girl next to her pretty much has these eyes.

Our high school senior class quote was along those lines, “work like you don’t need the money, dance like no one is watching.” One of my good friends was valedictorian. She got drunk for the first time at a graduation after party, and I remember her slurring, “it’s SO true. You should work like no one is watching, and

Every time I see his face, all I think of is a fat Mr. Punch.

Personally I am offended by laws preventing me from kicking Mike Huckabee in the balls. It just goes against everything I stand for. Basically I stand for kicking Mike Huckabee in the balls. Good to know he supports me.

What you stand for —- the right of everyone to own all the guns they want —- fucks up the world. You probably will never kill anyone. Most gun owners won’t. But I hope that every night when you go to bed you thank the tens of thousands of people that die every year in defense of your right and your personal need to

“- The guns are a tool - like a computer, a hammer, a hatchet, and a car. Do you blame the car when a drunk driver kills someone? No you don’t - you blame the drunk who was driving. This is what makes firearms such a strange argument, those who don’t like them want them banned saying they have no purpose - you know

Against the lawyers that defend the mentally ill? Are you serious? Reagan defunded mental health facilities back in the eighties and ever since then there’s been a stigma for seeking treatment. Lawyers who defend the mentally ill aren’t some powerful fucking lobby out there.

The only sex David and Shannon have now is Therapist-Ordered Sex, probably silent and miserable and dutiful, like cleaning the gutters.

You really don’t. In this case, ignorance is truly bliss. On the other hand, Below Decks starts tonight. I want to “yacht”.

Typical mail behavior.

I live one town over from Gilbert. You can’t swing a dead cat without hitting a Mormon church ( or whatever the fuck the little neighborhood churches are called) in this part of the valley. I have one within walking distance in every direction. Gilbert even has a temple now. They’re controlling this.

That’s the real lesson that adults got from following the kids of Peanuts — that irrational childhood fears and anxieties don’t magically disappear just because you get older. Each of the kids (and Snoopy) presented different ways that people confront (or deny) those fears. Charlie Brown wallowed in them. Lucy

I think you’re missing the point of the comic strip. The series wasn’t a collection of characters and jokes. It was Charles Schultz’s soul. Each character stood for a different part of Schultz’s personality and the experiences he had in life. What made it funny and relatable is because it wasn’t fantasy, it was real.

Schulz had his own idiosyncrasies that plainly came out in the strip.

Golovkin lost? When?

Guillermo Rigondeaux—El Chacal, or The Jackal—is by far the greatest fighter in the world today.

I don’t watch the show regularly, either, but when I did, I thought their relationship was super cute. This is their dynamic. He’s silly/funny and she acts like she’s over it. But it was cute and literally the only endearing thing about that show, so I’ll admit I’m a little sad about this. Get it together, Scott, you

Why do you care more about upsetting these people than discrimination?? If these people don't want to serve everyone, they are free to go into a different line of work. It's pretty simple.