
It’s hitting the olds too, though. My 70 year old lifelong Republican Fox News Or Die Father-in-Law said the same thing recently. Actually, he’s been saying it since Mittens lost the last election—the kowtowing to the extreme religious right in order to even get the republican nom has got to stop. But he fact that the

Same! I’m somewhere between a 34 a & 34b, which is good for my size (I’m petite) and so I’m always horrified at how bizarre any padded push-up bra makes me look. There’s just something so cartoony and off about it—and strangely unflattering, especially from a side angle. They make my boobs look like they were

I do love how she’s walking down the stairs just like I do when I’m holding a bowl of super hot soup I filled too high, or am carrying some dogs, or am trying to go get a drink of water in the middle of the night and am too lazy to turn on the lights, or having a bad arthritic flare. Sometimes it's all four at the

I kinda think Trump is like a lot of old conservatives in that way, though. My father-in-law (70 years old and of course—likes Trump’s ruthlessness!) has said shit like Trump does for years. Constantly commenting on the looks of others, especially women, but occasionally men if they are in his own family. Weight is a

“No, no, no. I would never wait tables BECAUSE I worked in retail and know people are assholes. That’s like getting stabbed with a pen knife and figuring a Bowie knife would suck worse. No demonstration needed.”

Same. It seems like her insane narcissism has ramped up 100 notches this season. It was heartbreaking when her mom died unexpectedly, but her blathering on the phone to Briana (her own daughter!) and shrieking, “I need my mommy! I need my mommy! Who is going to worry about me now. I need her! I need her to worry about

She can’t get over it. She can’t. The therapist in the first episode told her that In order for the marriage to work, Shannon had to move past it. Had to. Shannon made some verbal affirmations that she could and would, but nope.

Which is horrifying in itself IMO—she’s forcing her kids to be the adult(s) and that is so not fair to them, ya know?

Ahahaahahaha, you win! You win! All the stars.

I know, it stuns me how people (politicians, etc) have completely ignored how out of control the cost of dental care is here. Never mind that poor oral health is linked to so many other health issues and diseases—maybe I’m just bitter because I’m dealing with with an autoimmune disorder that has me facing about $60k

Yup, just as I expected—anti-abortionists say they believe in protecting life, but in reality it’s not that at all. It’s just a convenient way for them to punish what they view as the sinful whorey-whore-whore sluts of our society. If all women get access to free birth control and all women aren’t forced to carry all

I had a Latina co-worker with brown eyes, dark curly hair, and a gorgeous, olive complexion with freckles. Her and her red-headed, blue-eyed, pale-as-pale-can-be husband had a baby, and the baby...looked just like him. A pale, light-haired, blue-eyed bundle of joy.

I actually kinda know that jerkwad you speak of in real life. He is seriously a fucking insane, arrogant-as-all-get-out jerkwad of the highest extreme. Incredibly standoffish, treats customer service people horrendously, never smiles or says hello or even acknowledges you (you know, if you happen to forget who you are

I like him too. I couldn’t stand him at first, I hated that shmoozy-pompous old money act he’d put on, but over the past few years he has really grown on me. I think the struggle is incredibly real for him, especially now having to deal with the sudden death of both his parents. In a heavily-scripted show, he comes

While we are discussing restaurant pet peeves that may or may not bother others so badly they need to write a pompous WaPo article on it...

Amen. As someone who works in the world of health & fitness, we try to encourage people to couple excercise with healthy eating habits simply because excercise gets people more in tune with their own body. I know I'm much less likely to gorge on unhealthy food if I've worked out that morning, or am working out later

I'm with powerbrokercaro—I actually look forward to brushing my teeth with my Sonicare. I have a multitude of health problems—arthritis and a condition that causes painful dry mouth being the crux. For me, the Sonicare helps immensely with both. I can now brush the full two recommended minutes without my hands feeling

I'm with powerbrokercaro—I actually look forward to brushing my teeth with my Sonicare. I have a multitude of health

GRAAAANDPA. Is that you?! Did grandma forget to give you your sleeping pills again?

It's mind-blowing. I occasionally deal with misbehaving children at my workplace, and I am just so tired of these types of parents becoming out-of-control delusional rage monsters if someone even dares to punish or criticize their special little snowflakes. There (usually) is not even a discussion—not even a calm,

And I want my husband to give me a baby kitten dipped in rainbow sprinkles. But since he can't, even though I REALLY WANT ONE, I am still going to be friends with him and love him and not hold it against him that he can't give me that one thing. Because I am a mature adult (that wants a sprinkle covered kitten), and