
Honestly? Some people (most people) have kids to validate themselves and their lives and that they are a good person. It's not about whether the child is happy and healthy and fulfilled. It's why the asshole mom said it's ok to have gay friends (which, really lady? You don't know from friendship) but not her son. It's

lol u mad

My dad is a trucker. Has had many incidents similar to this. The latest one was where he was sitting under and underpass and a truck ran off the freeway and fell right next to him. Jumped right out with his extinguisher and comforted/reassured the injured couple (who were pretty messed up/trapped) until authorities

I can't see gravity. Therefore it doesn't exist. You picked the most fitting pseudonym. I've seen him drag her unconscious body. Witness testimony is considered evidence, the video exists, arrest was made. He's not in jail because she isn't ready to not be abused, don't be willfully ignorant and obtuse just because

How many times do people have to read about child abuse before they start realizing not everyone should become a parent? Every married but childless hetero couple I know gets questioned about when they're going to have kids and/or why they don't have kids yet. Seriously, stop acting like it's the "normal" thing to do

Oh, it's just his friends who are racist, and he goes along with it because of peer pressure. They should have been more clear that the story was taking place in a middle school.

I can't help but feel that if I were a GM that were truly focused on all that bullshit about "character in the locker room" and "upstanding men" and blah blah blah, I'd be all about drafting Mike Sam. What shows more character than being yourself in a world (that is, the world of major college and professional