Destroy Him My Robots

A co-worker of mine had a part-time job at the library on the side. The stories she'd tell. Fluids better left unidentified, Anti-Satanic screeds scribbled on Harry Potter DVDs, candle wax, you name it. I once took a DVD of Sansho the Bailiff home and saw it had burn marks, like someone had held a lighter right

Good Will Hunting, I think. First one I rented was definitely Fallen with Denzel.
The real revelation was seeing dark, red-hued scenes in the same clarity as the rest of the movie for the first time.

"In my continuing journey of playing games that are old, I've been playing Arkham Origins lately. "

Oh, I definitely will. I'll be back where my desktop capable of handling N:A is next month and that's a priority. But as cool as the fair grounds were, so far nothing felt as atmospheric (sorry for repeating that word; I'm honestly at a loss for an alternative at the moment) as entering that port town in Nier.

Perhaps. But. You know when people who know memes better than games complain about Cloud or Squall? They're wrong, but Neku is exactly that person during the first week at least.

Me neither, and it's a shame. I actually prefer Bangai-O Spirits, however. Which also had a pretty good throwaway re: slowdowns. The scientist would rationalize it in game terms and the hero figured "Yeah, no, that sounds more like someone screwed up".

Eh, the downsides of branding.

I haven't played N:A to completion yet, but in terms of atmosphere Nier seems to stand head and shoulders above it. It's not even a contest, is it?

I'd definitely be ready to graduate to Miitopia if the gf had a 3DS come next week, but for the time being Miitomo is actually pretty sweet for asynchronous communication. We're 12 hours apart, so it's cool that I can slap together a little "I thought of you"-thing during a smoke break every now and then.

Hmm, not sure where one might find such a thing these days, but there used to be some pretty high quality art book scans a couple of years ago. It's quite amusing, though, that you'd consider concept drawings for a game with a visual style based on paintings lacking motion, isn't it? (And I'm not writing this in a

*laughs* I like Nier a lot, but I don't think reading those documents would have helped a lot with understanding the backstory. Most of those concepts might as well be called "post-EVA anime thing" and the story would be none the worse for it. It's just superfluous lore stuff and doesn't really impact the game's

Upvoted for "absolutely disgustingly hyped". That's some quality turn of phrase right there.

My brain has been commendably successful at flushing those memories. Mind you, this was mostly used on datasettes, so most likely, yeah.

That's pretty exactly much what Mastertronic's Invade-a-Load was, though. Except with a Space Invaders clone instead of Centipede.

Punching your Player 2 so you can grab that heart bottle in Rayman Legends was good. If we're talking non-interactive, I liked reading death poems in Total War: Shogun 2.

I think Itsuno could do it well. There's still a lot of talent at Capcom. I'd be worried about the higher-ups though, who seem to think that every game ought to sell 5 million.

More Train Valley, some TWEWY (which I'm warming up to). Also I'm in a long-distance relationship and me and my girlfriend figured we'd give Miitomo a spin and send each other cute things, so that's nice. Yes, I'm behind on positively everything.

These are getting more and more embarrassing every month.

You are so right. I like FFX, but that is possibly the dumbest thing in Final Fantasy ever. Are you really strong and interested in cool bosses that require clever layouts? Fight these boring enemies posing no challenge whatsoever for a million hours then. Good Lord.

Condolences and it's great to hear the little ones have a good place to stay for the while.