Destroy Him My Robots

One of the best things to happen in music in the past decade has been R&B’s grand sonic flowering, taking the futurism of Aaliyah and the musicality of D’Angelo as the groundwork for a whole galaxy of new musical ideas.

As with most LucasArts games, I was never bowled over by the gameplay. (I’m a Sierra fan until the end; King’s Quest VI: Heir Today, Gone Tomorrow is my 2nd favorite game ever.)

It’s got some variety to it but I would say a good bit is in that vein, and it all goes together well. That’s definitely one of the standouts. I think the four song stretch that starts with that one might be the best four on the album.

That Charlotte Gainsbourg album is really good — a lot better than 5:55 or IRM, which were pretty spotty IMO. That’s one for the collection.

If hunters can’t buy assault rifles the bears win.

Now playing

The Antibalas album that came out a couple weeks ago:

All I’m hearing is shitty klaxons and the kind of 3rd rate garbage they’d put on yet another isometric cyberpunk tactical RPG.


He’s a cool dude. Love his work, even in total shit like Spawn.

And really, I’m just calling a spade a spade. It’s always trendy to talk about how you were influenced by Kubrick, but honestly, I just do not see very much of Kubrick’s influence upon this film, while Metropolis’s touch is all over it.