Destroy Him My Robots

1) I need to know Caitlin Penzeymoog's view on single-player video games. Red wine? Junmai Daiginjo? Rum and coke?

No. I’m Alexander. He’s no Alexander.

Never seen it in a store, but I always wished for Weird Dreams based on the cover:… I figured that the reviews simply had to be wrong.

Maybe not on average, but IV makes me forgive whatever.

It's true though! MGS3 is the start of not-so-great-MGS. Precisely because Kojima was possibly the medium's best director—when it comes to in-game camera (I mean, look at that early scene in MGS2-Tanker and how its shadow was a perfect indication of how dangerous your situation was). As soon as he relinquished that

Gonna bookmark Train Valley, thanks.

That specific kind of perviness in MGS (in general) works for me when it's filtered through Snake. Because that's actually what he does most of the of the time, lie around and peek at people who are unaware of him watching. So in those instances, it's a bizarrely creative sort of ickyness, I think. However, MGS4 in

Agreed that Counter Spy is indeed pretty cool. Yeah, it's "not good". But it's "not good" in a way home computer games from the '80s tended to be, when genres weren't as codified and people would seemingly just see how a new idea plays out without caring too much about fundamentals.

*Destroy Him My Robots and Tragically Ludicrous not Ludicrously Tragic stare into their cups morosely; make Rudi Carrell references*

Every time I go to eat at a rather westernized Thai or Vietnamese place, my order usually starts with "Which one comes with a ton of nam pla in it?" and ends with "That one, then" and there's no chance in hell I'm not having bacalhau if I'm at a Portuguese place.

Haha, as mentioned above (below?) I love the stuff, but this is a great comment. Cheers!

I know some commenters love to rag on Supper Club, but I keep being surprised by how good it actually is (even if some details may be off, but I don't really care).

I'm actually really surprised because I think strategy games still fare quite well while action and platform games on the other hand… I'm glad there's lots of old games left for me, because I'd rather quit games that play Rogue Legacy or *shudder* Thomas Was Alone.

Uh… all of the good ones? Honestly, that Captain Internet quote up there makes no sense. If you find playing a game painful you do not "love it to bits"; you think it's shit.

…ok, now I kinda see it, too.

I think it's weird how it's not more of a thing specifically in an adventure game context because it seems like it'd allow you to strip away a lot of the boring, convenient stuff (I need fire so I need gas for the Zippo) and go to slightly more interesting places without becoming too absurd. I suppose that might also

It was gonna be Dandy Dungeon, the mobile game where you're a disillusioned mid-30s game designer who gets fired for not going to work and writing his own game instead, and who promptly inserts his boss into the game in the role of an evil king who kidnaps princesses while figuring that rescuing them will earn him the

Yeah, that explains it. I was thinking "Ministerium für blöd gelaufen".

So do I, but we're AV Clubbers *points to pin on lapel*

Hung over in Hanover