Myrna Minkoff

The thing is, a lot of the Trump voters aren’t regular Repub votes anyway. Most mainstream Rs voted for him because he wasn’t Clinton, not because they support him. They sucked it up for the sake of the party and they will be fine with him being tossed for the sake of the party.

Hah! I literally just read that right before I logged onto this site. Amazing. He is SO going to hate being President.

True talk. MLK isn’t even verified on Twitter.

In the “beforetimes” when half the commenters here had parents still in middle school, all of those groups (gay, tran, poly, etc.) were lumped into essentially the “perverts” category. The slang/slurs were not always precise.

I would be very curious to see hard data on how strong that support from his voters still is. I can speak only to my experience, but the Trump voters I know have been very ..... quiet the last few weeks. And I have not heard a peep from them so far about this latest.

I have never seen this expressed so perfectly. Spot. Fucking. On.

Her right to consider whether or not she might be gender non-binary were being denied! The travesty!

I believe the idea is that “transgendered” implies that is was a choice or something that happened to them as opposed to being just inherent to who they are. For example, you wouldn’t call someone, I dunno, “blacked” or “Jewished.” I think there is also a line of thought that the “-ed” ending implies the surgery has

My thing with intersectionalism is that it is impossible to spend equal amounts of time and energy on all issues at all times. I have my pet causes that I devote more energy too (some because they impact me directly, some because I just think they’re friggin’ important), but that doesn’t mean I am not supportive of

I’m joking about the PTSD. The rest of it is totally true.

Agree. See my reply to Carlos Danger.

Yup. I totally agree. I’ve seen people ripped to shreds while expressing support for trans people because they used “transgendered” instead of “trans,” for example.* Way to keep the big picture in sight, folks.

I refuse to relive it. I have PTSD from reading it the first time.

100% true story: I belong to a Facebook group that is organizing a sister march in our city.

WSJ whites have FAR better grammar and spelling. Credit where it’s due.

Agree. It is not as if the NE is a post-racial utopia, but I feel like there is a vast gulf between prejudice and distaste for school bussing programs from your neighbor vs. institutionalized, state-sanctioned segreation, voter disenfranchisement and lynchings.

Reading this, I think our disagreement is mostly semantics.

If you end a relationship everytime you start to feel a little unhappy/regretful, you’ll end up never finding a lasting relationship. I’ve been with Mr. Minkoff 17 years. We have a pretty good life, but I’d be lying if I said there weren’t times I thought about what ifs and other options — I’m sure he does as well.

If these things were so detrimental to the company wouldn’t they require you have a membership to use them? Seems to me these are all being treated as soft marketing — a way to get people into the store who might be willing to pull the trigger on a membership if they like what they see.

Depends on the season -- in summer they change more often because of the sweating. But I usually go 1-2 weeks between sheet changes, but change the pillowcases more often. I feel like they get dirty faster and I worry more about dirt by my face than by my feet.