Do professional drivers crash within 1.5 seconds of the start of the race?
Do professional drivers crash within 1.5 seconds of the start of the race?
One of the absolute best things about being self-employed is that I can go for a workout mid-day when there is almost no one there except stay at home moms who are working out with a trainer. I basically have the whole place to myself, so long as I don’t go too close to lunch time.
Wait ... am I in the grays now? I was starred on here for years. :(
Thank you so much for posting this! With a two-year old, my photo hobby has been utterly neglected for, well, about 2.5 years now ... one of my resolutions was to get back in the groove since he’ll start preschool soon. This is a great way to keep me motivated.
I’m taking some literary license. This was one of those “towns” that consist of an 1800s-era post office, one crap diner/gas station, and a handful of trailers. (We were there primarily to fill the tank.) I suspect that diner was where the locals received most services.
We were at a diner in remote, rural SC a few years back and the waiter/owner’s son/town mechanic/unlicensed vet struck up a conversation and told my husband that people eat the peanut shells. My husband, being an adventurous eater and a good sport decided to try some the next time we got shelled peanuts ... and then…
Yeah, that shrug was pretty awful.
It was not that cold last night. We are not far from NYC and my toddler was outside without a hat or gloves. If he can do it, Mariah Carey -- under numerous hot lights — can do it.
If Anderson Cooper’s teleprompter isn’t working, he can just talk/interview his guest. A singer is not prevented from singing because of the lack of a backing track.
Yup. I’m guessing there is also some back-channel stuff going on between management teams too. Nicer for everyone if they can have this resolved and the required apology made when they write the piece as opposed to having to shine a light on a major advertiser/community institution allowing an exec to be a jackass.
It’s not just the NFL. You have no idea how assholish and disconnected from reality a lot of PR people are.
Or didn’t bang despite someone’s efforts ...
He may be awaiting word from his editor on how they want to address it. For example, they might have a different writer cover it instead of him reporting on himself.
Speaking as a former journalist, a reporter should still act like a normal decent human being in the press box — the press credential is not an excuse to throw feces on the wall. If this guy was screaming “Fuck you,” or something like that at the PR staff I think they have a right to eject him. But it sounds like he…
In the sense that she was hired, at great expense, to go out on stage and sing she is kind of a dancing monkey — or more precisely, a singing one.
I pop in like twice a year just to say high and keep an eye on things. ;)
Most of them are high as a kite, obvs, but can still do the job they are being paid for.
What a good sport Jude Law was to act like that’s a normal thing.
I’m honestly wondering if there isn’t more going on though, given that she apparently could not walk down three tiny stairs without assistance? Was she chemically impaired or something as well?
The ONLY thing I will give Mariah is that she had the cojones to stand up there for two songs not singing. Her response to being outed lip synching is so much more professional than the other two.