Myrna Minkoff

Only the most developed palates can handle rubbing alcohol infused with a pine cone, you Philistine.

No, he’s a terrible person and this is right in line with his own beliefs.

I’m guessing there was kicking.

Nah, you’re fine.

Misfit didn’t attack him OR wish this assault upon him, so people need to stop with the pearl-clutching. Not feeling much empathy for Rand Paul hardly rises to “you’re a horrible person” levels of evil.

I assume that Sansa and Arya’s disagreements before that meeting were legitimate, and Littlefinger’s plans were working for a time. Notice that Sansa told Littlefinger, “I know I’m a slow learner, but I DO learn.” So she and Arya became chummy offscreen.

No. This article is glossing over some details about a pretty confusing issue.

OP also doesn’t give him enough credit for resourcefulness. Jorah gets shit done.

I can just imagine his home life and I’m pretty sure he’s rolling in the puss already.

Show of hands: who now wants to see a picture of this agent?

It is very very pretty (it’s custom McQueen if anyone is curious). I love how demure and appropriate is deemed “old lady.” She’s the Duchess of Cambridge at her sister’s daytime wedding yet some people would still rather see her in, IDK, a sequined cocktail dress at 11 a.m. Would that we all be old ladies who look

Too me it looks more vintage than grandma. I like it but then I’m an old lady.

Really sorry for your loss.

Agreed. The “don’t speak ill of the dead” crowd forget that Ailes was an objectively terrible human being with no apparent redeeming values.

As the late great Pratchet said about Vorbis: “…the worst thing about [him] isn’t that he’s evil, but that he makes good people do evil”

The damage caused by Roger Ailes is truly breathtaking in its impact and scope. Professionally, he was a proto-Rove Richard Nixon accomplice and enabler who went on to found the most powerful and pervasive propaganda network in modern history, which was profoundly responsible for training millions to disregard

Yeah, my first thought was juvenile. But my second thought was a juvenile.

From the sound of it, making better investment decisions than you and your wife.