Myrna Minkoff

Re: Arya and Sansa
I think it makes sense (mostly) but was poorly executed. My read was this: There were real divisions and mistrust between them. (They were never close and the experiences they have had since they were separated have only heightened the differences between them.) So LF was trying to sow division and

After the rumor picked up steam didn’t Kirkman specifically say it *wasn’t* Louis C.K.?

Sane people do it. People who had their first miracle baby at 40 after nearly two decades of trying (in an age before infertility treatments) and come from families with strict gender role segregation apparently do not.

Similar situation. Mr. M had no chores to do growing up. Literally nothing. He left for college never having done a load of laundry, washed a dish, you name it. His mom has since admitted that might not have been a good idea. (No! Really?)

I’m not sure what is more amazing the amount of projection you do, or your utter lack of self-awareness. However, both pale in comparison to your immaturity and, for lack of a better word, assholishness.

Wow. You should probably get some help with those anger issues. No one called men lazy or incompetent except you. Your defensiveness is ... interesting though.

If true, you and your friends would be the outliers I mentioned.

It’s unreasonable to be nitpicky or overly critical. But it’s perfectly reasonable to ask someone to actually do the job they signed up to do. If someone wipes the mirror, dusts the toilet lid and says they’ve cleaned the bathroom, that’s not a matter of the bathroom not being cleaned to their spouse’s standards. The

I don’t have peer-reviewed research I can link to at the moment, but there is nothing in that paragraph that doesn’t jibe with the experience of a large majority of woman. Most of us DO babysit, most of us DO attend baby showers (willingly or not), most of us DO get tons of advice and info on babies long before we are

I live in a majority black city and in 20 years I have literally never heard “cracker” used in a way that wasn’t clearly ironic. And half of those uses were by white people. I just don’t think that’s a word most people white or black use very much.

They aren’t mutually exclusive. I also love public transit and use it almost every day even though I work from home. However, the idea of public transit, the experience of a short, off-peak ride on a pleasant day, and a rush hour commute on a packed train/bus when it’s raining and everyone is miserable are different

But that’s different you may say, cannabis is illegal and alcohol isn’t! My answer would be that shouldn’t be relevant. The excuse for the drug test is impairment, it is not a fishing expedition to find out if you have committed any crimes.

Thank you! This is the first I heard of it and I’m racking my brain trying to think of what that could metaphorically mean.

Are you under the impression Urban Meyer raised Hernandez from birth and was the only person who influenced him in his life? Why this obsession?

Oh you and all your inconvenient facts! Can’t you see we’re trying to blame society for shit over here? Sheesh.

Well, you implied society was at fault, in no way said Hernandez was, dismissed his murder victims with a “yeah, I know, multiple murders”... is it really a surprise to you that people read that as absolving him of guilt and not having sympathy for the people he killed? Do you know how words work?

Where did I say anything about either of those things? Did you reply to the wrong person?

It’s not a personal anecdote — the fact is 99.9% of people who lose their parents (even if those kids are athletes) do not become cold-blooded killers. Your insistence that somehow losing one’s dad (at 16, btw, when one should already have a pretty good sense of right and wrong) and playing sports would NATURALLY lead

I know plenty of people who have lost their fathers or mothers (or both) when they were still young. Not one of them has hunted down and killed someone for accidentally bumping into them at a bar.

Um, I think there’s plenty of evidence of the very difficult lives superstar athletes have — they are treated like dirt from the moment their skill is noticed and it never ends even after their multi-million dollar contracts for playing a game are over. Who has ever heard of a gifted athlete -- esp. a football player