Myrna Minkoff

Not just doing your job — your whole life!

Japan also has a very large elderly population and (I believe) the most centenarians in the world. I suspect like us, they have a significant number of people over, say, 65 or so who just have zero interest in computers and will not even attempt to learn about them.

It’s a bit more than “people don’t like Trump.” Candidates have lost the electoral college but won the popular vote before without this kind of call for the EC to vote against the winner.

I do agree with you, with one quibble: There is a reasonable debate to be had as to whethe or not the DNC played even by its own rules in this election.

Speaking from experience: They may have budget or other internal politics-related  issues that are making it hard for them to know if they CAN hire you. There is a good chance that whatever the issue is, it has little to nothing to do with your performance. Which doesn’t help you with the planning, but hopefully helps

Yeah ... I have never heard of someone quitting and getting severance unless we are talking about an equity partner or something. If you could routinely quit and get paid turnover would be 10,000%.

If it helps any, you are in good company! I think everyone has had at least one boss like this.

Yup. Exact same thing happened to me. My list of “offenses” included things like not being at my desk during times my boss knew I was in a mandatory meeting. (And I know she knew because not only did we discuss it, we had a shared calendar so she could see with a mouseclick that I was in a meeting, what the meeting

Oh! This old chestnut. One of my former employers instituted this kind of system at one point. Everyone had to be rated on an A-F scale. Fs got fired, Cs and Ds got warnings, As got bonuses — and they had quotas for how many low grades there had to be, a limit on As, etc. Totally tied the managers hands. Because if

I had one review where my manager said that I had an unpleasant face and he wanted me to work on that.

Yeah, Amazon is pretty great about giving out free stuff even before you ask for it. The last month alone, I’ve had probably four items fully refunded even though they told me to keep the product. And they just OK’d me returning and getting full refund on a two-year-old, out-of-warranty product that broke. I wasn’t

I had a manager who did this too.

The flip side is that a worker could be in denial and blocking out any criticism and until forced to acknowledge it in writing.

As said below: Run. Or, if you must stay, document everything that happens after that.

I’m reasonably sure we worked for the same manager.

And speaking from experience, sometimes it is both! Fortunately, I already had my other job lined up when I got laid off. In retrospect, aside from one guy who was a constant fuck-up, everyone who got laid off had had one of these trumped up reviews in the past year.

I’ve only had this happen with Amazon, but in my experience they do not care to get the package back. Amazon has sent me stuff (or delivery companies have dropped off stuff with nonexistent/unreadable addresses) several times now. Each time I contacted them and they just said to keep it.

I feel like it wasn’t an inside job, just because a) the dude seemed to hesitate and size up the situation before he grabbed the bucket and b) I’d hope the inside guy would come up with a better cover story then “I’m an idiot who left the back of the armored truck open while I got my phone.” I mean, c’mon. At least

His entire career/campaign/upcoming administration is a scam, so ...

This made me laugh so hard it scared my cats. I am not shitting you. God bless you.