Myrna Minkoff

I mean, obviously there are underground brokers who handle stuff like this, but unless this guy is already plugged into that world, he’s going to have a hard time getting cash for this.

That was my first thought! Why would you want to steal any old random, unknown item? You have no idea how traceable or liquid it will be.

This seriously was my first thought when I heard the news.

I’m convinced that some parents secretly have no desire to limit screentime because it’s an easy babysitter. I hear people say all the time that they can’t keep their (still quite young) kids off the computer/tablet/TV and I’m like: Why? Take the tablet away and/or put them in a room without a tv. Problem solved. As

The problem is the draining... I have yet to find a tool that doesn’t make me lose half the quinoa or make a massive mess.

Thanks. I hadn’t seen that. But ... there are some dupes in there. Which is part of the point of the joke, no?

I tend to agree. If Jost was saying, essentially, that all identity issues should be ignored, that is one thing and worthy of criticism. But I would love to hear how there are 37 genders. Male, female, trans (does that count as two if we say transman and transwoman?), I know there is some “third-way” gender found in

Well, we have a meridian, just not a “Meridian.” :)

Downtown Philly is actually probably one of the oldest versions of this, dating back to its founding. Broad st. (which would otherwise be 14th st. based on our naming conventions) is our north-south meridian and streets that cross it are informally called East Market or West Walnut using that as the guide, although

Yeah, I’m going to agree these are very loosely used in some cities/towns. For example, I know people who live in a rural cul-de-sac and every street is a Blvd or Terr. -- probably because they sound “fancier” — but they should all be Lanes.

I always get a kick out of looking at the printed form they mail every year. Now that I’m middle aged, I can look back and see the financial impact of various life events — there’s my first big-girl job after college, there’s that year I got the killer bonus ... there’s the dip when I took my extended maternity leave.

Except he had already agreed to it, and surely would have know if his family was invited earlier than the day before.

At least in DC though he will be more insulated in the WH and there he will have nothing but sychophants. In NYC, if he isn’t in Trump Tower, he’s going to have constant reminders that everyone in the city hates his guts.

The other option being that they all just leave when their leases are up and no one else wants those units. (I assume those are rentals and not owned condos? I don’t actually know.)

Oh, I could totally see him just calling that his favorite movie because he read somewhere it is and deep down he knew saying some Van Damme movie would seem declassé.

I doubt many of us will be able to retire by the time he’s done with us. That is assuming we are not already dead from nuclear winter.

I don’t recall anyone saying that we had all the info -- most of us pointed out that we need more info. But I still maintain that it is unlikely that *every* single person in his extended family is such a fucker that he has no recourse but to cut off all contact. Even shitty families usually have some halfway decent

uninspired by the terrible choices the two major parties gave them

I’m sure that’s a side benefit, but apparently he genuinely hates sleeping anywhere but his own homes. Germophobia and/or paranoid insecurity likely the reason.

Wait ... is Citizen Kane his favorite movie really? He probably sees it as model for life and not a warning. What a putz.