Myrna Minkoff

No joke, we have a couple we are friends with that must have a total household income of around $300k (and have for some time) — they have no savings outside of the husband’s modest 401k. None. Because if he gets a $20k raise, they spend another $20k that year on travel, clothes, whatever.

We were one of the last of our friends to buy a house, and after we did, we cut back on extras for a bit because I wanted to build back our savings. We were living with a messy, cluttered house while we DIY’d some minor improvements, put off buying new furniture, etc. Meanwhile our friends were going on vacations and

When my son was very little and gassy I had to take off my Fitbit whenever i burped him because I wanted accurate measurements (gotta lose that baby weight!) and my steps would be off the charts every time he had to belch. 

The scary thing is that Trump has brought a group of previously non-politically interested people into the discussion. These are people who found the subtle, dog-whistle racism of the mainstream GOP to be too mild. And now they figured out how to have a seat at the table. Which leaves the rest of us trying to have an

I don’t know you, but I love you. Thank you for this.

You know it’s a weird year when the election coverage on Deadspin includes Bronte jokes in the comments.

It’s totally true.

I don’t have any advice, but I have a similar sort of history minus the injury and I have found that no matter how much stretching I do, my ankles and hips just get tighter and tighter as I get older. Stretching and exercise helps to minimize/halt the effect, but I’m not really seeing any progress.

Policing what other people eat is practically a national pastime. My son is almost three, and people still give me shit for eating sushi a few times while I was pregnant. They seem amazed that he wasn’t born with three heads. (Truly, it is amazing the nation of Japan has survived as long as it has.)

I do this too, and my husband laughs at me for it, but in all seriousness, I see people driving the wrong way down one way streets a few times a month. It happens more than you realize.

Interesting, thanks.

Do they? They were trying to change that at the state level, but I lost track of the bill and have no idea if it passed or what.

You basically just described my husband’s uncle and cousins.

This. I know several people just in my social circle who are planning on voting 3rd party this year (virtually all of them disenchanted Republicans who won’t vote Trump and don’t like the idea of voting Clinton.) There are a lot more of them this year than most other elections and every fraction of them that Clinton

The people who think the polls in “those places” need to be watched are the same people who are far too busy shitting in their pants to actually go to the “inner city.”

by Monday, everyone had moved on to the next thing

Also: Rigging the system, apparently.

A politician can’t enact any plan until they get voted into office. You’re so close to figuring this out ... give it just a few more minutes...

But in a lot of jobs finetuning IS in part figuring out what will play well. If I’m pitching a potential client, I have to know if their biggest concern is increasing sales, lauching new products, getting more repeat business, etc. and then hone my pitch accordingly. Politicis isn’t much different. Similar plans

I think the unfriendly Congress is implied though. If she has a policy initiative that is popular enough to help her get through the primary and the general it becomes harder for Congress to fight it effectively. (And a Clinton win can potentially mean a less-unfriendly Congress if she boosts down-ballot races.)