The only thing I’ve been shocked by so far is the lack of damning material. I’m a Clinton voter and even I suspected shadier stuff than this was going on.
The only thing I’ve been shocked by so far is the lack of damning material. I’m a Clinton voter and even I suspected shadier stuff than this was going on.
You actually CAN see some ribs! And her hip bones. She’s super skinny!
Right? How did this guy manage to out-asshole the (almost assuredly pudgy) dude calling a model-slim woman fat?
I think you’ve actually done more fat-shaming than the idiot who started the thread...
And you’re still wrong. Because those are very obviously abdominal muscles, looking a bit larger than usual because she is bent in such a way that she is sticking them out.
I don’t think you know what a beer belly is.
I would say “Why were assholes shooting up the place” is a more serious concern than “Why was innocent bystander out in public at a time I deem inappropriate despite having any context on the situation.”
We need legislation that mandates anyone out between, say 11 pm and 6 am can be legally murdered. Just to teach those night owls a lesson.
That’s part of it but I feel like there is more than that at work.
They don’t seem to mention any of those factors in their complaints though.
Right? Al Gore sighed too much. George the First looked at his watch at the wrong time. HUGE problems.
Because of Colin Kaepernik? What are you smoking, because I want some.
I work with plenty of people in tech who all have cards on hand at least for interviews. On the rare ocassion they don’t they’ll just give you the email when you ask for the card.
NEW people are not talking about it. That’s the point
Um, sure. Ok. If you say so, it must be true.
I didn’t say he did anything wrong. In response, let me ask you a question: How many people have rethought their positions on BLM?
But for many people the flag is a direct symbol of their loved ones who have died or served (or of their own service),
For non-important issues, like, art or whatever, I’m even OK with not knowing about it. You can’t know all things about all things. But at least acknowledge you don’t know anything about it.
I didn’t attack you, I said you were wrong. Because you are. You can keep repeating the point, but it doesn’t change the fact that you are misreading what she said, seemingly deliberately since multiple people have explained it to you already.
I disagree with the implication that taking a knee is inherently disrespectful though. First of all, it’s a song. It started out as a drinking song. There is nothing sacred about it. Secondly, the song and the flag don’t belong to veterans and “disrespecting it” has nothing to do with the troops other than serving as…