Yeah I wasn’t pleased. I hate when pregnant women ask for my “birth story” because I’m like “Nah. You really don’t need to hear this. Trust me.”
Truth. When I was giving birth, both of my epidurals failed. I caught my OB talking to the anesthesiologist about the pros/cons of trying a third time, and the anesthesiologist was like, “Well, I have no idea why the first two didn’t take, so the third probably won’t either, but I’ll do it if she wants it*.”
Yup. We had the issue too in our family. And I know several friends who had it happen as well. I’m pretty sure that LH has even written about this in the past. (Or maybe I’m thinking of the old Consumerist.) In any event, I don’t know how that guy can claim it’s a fiction when it happens pretty regularly.
Given how few people exhibit basic decency is def. noteworthy when someone goes out of their way to do so.
My husband would have no reason to lie to me about this. A) I could give a shit if he streams music at work and b) I wouldn’t know if he got yelled at for it, so why make up an excuse for something I would never find out about?
Yup. Or you just became a target in general. At a previous job, I was friends with the #2 IT dude. He could always predict who was about to get canned because he would get a seemingly random request to start tracking their use.
My husband (and several of his coworkers) has gotten a lecture for this a few times. Ironically, he wasn’t streaming music, he was doing some kind of required video-heavy online training thing. Basically, they see some figure for total data use or whatever spike and just assume you are streaming music.
Yup. Honestly, if she didn’t dump him after that, I would assume she was a piece of shit herself and just better at hiding it.
Agree. I said that earlier. He could easily share his penis with the world without being so OBVIOUS about it being him. That he keeps getting caught tells me either wants to be or he truly doesn’t give a shit if people know he is so proud of his cock.
I’m going to go with 4) They had an agreement (predating the first one or not I have no idea) predicated on him being discreet, she stuck it out for a bit because she loved him at one point and they have a young kid, but now the shit has hit the fan one too many times and she’s too busy trying to get the first woman…
Just saw that. ‘bout time, girl. ‘Bout time.
I mean, he could just be a thoughtless asshole, or a sex addict, or have a kink.
A fetish or kink is not a mental illness. There is no “send-dick-pix-itis” in the DSM.
I’m not sure I would have made it to strike one, given how compulsive he seems to be about it. But that’s just me.
I mean, it’s pretty obvious he has a compulsion. You don’t need a psych PhD to figure that out. So, sure, maybe she gave him permission to send dic pics far and wide as long as he doesn’t touch anyone else. Or whatever the rules are.
I agree with your overall point, but I would not assume “they cool.” They may well have some agreement or understanding about his extracurriculars, but I find it hard to believe part of that agreement isn’t “just don’t get your dick in the papers anymore, Anthony! I’m running a presidential campaign.”
Yup. Same with this kid. I feel so bad for the parents — it seems like such a pain in the ass with potentially dire consequences. Someone else will bring in cupcakes for a birthday and ask hopefully if Joey can have one. “They’re nut-, gluten-, dairy-, and egg-free and were made by artisan free-range unicorns who…
I know you’re joking, but Mini Minkoff has a kid like this in his class and the kid has his own special water that he drinks. I assume it has something added it to that he needs to supplement in his diet (because seriously, between his allergies and his toddler-pickiness, his diet consists of basically hummus and…