Myrna Minkoff

I actually did not know that. I just thought I was developing a smarter palate as I got older. Now you’ve ruined my self-image!

Well, if you want to be pedantic, which it seems you do, the OP never said she swaps out foods so I don’t know why you keep harping on that.

So, do you get rewards on things only fulfilled by Amazon? Or only the things that are actually sold by them? Because we probably buy 50% from Amazon and 50% from other vendors on their site.

This was helpful, thank you! I have a good promo code for BA and was debating getting it as a timesaver to save some trips to the grocery store (I work and have a two year old -- dinner prep needs to be fast and easy). If the cooking is that time consuming, it’s not for us -- at least not right now.

Are you suggesting she force it in his mouth? Of course there are foods a child won’t eat — I would wager every person on earth has some food they won’t eat, and all children famously object to some foods as they learn to develop a palate. It’s a totally normal developmental process.

they would believe he owes respect to the NATION (the American people), and to the soldiers that fought and died to kept us free

Is not standing for a song “disrespect”? The anthem is just a song. It doesn’t care if he stood for it, sat through it, or maniacally twirled like a 3 year old girl on too much sugar during it.

I love that he needs this explained to him even though it was the entire point of the post AND the video.

Your have a strange need to pathologize anyone who may possibly drive faster than you and dismiss them with name calling and blame it on their anger issues.


I have been pretty pleased with Ebates. I’ve seen discounts as high as 25% (not often, but they happen), and it’s pretty common to get 5-6% back. Combined with a Chase rewards card that gives us another 2% back, it really adds up. I don’t do a ton of online shopping* but even so, I’ve gotten a few hundred dollars

I never watched Lovelines but my sense was that he was sort of well-respected at the time in general. I don’t recall there being any kind of tarnish attached to him until the Celebrity Rehab thing.

Can confirm that company is evil. We had to pay them to not have our own car towed from our own private, off-street parking space.

It has occurred to me that working 10 hours a week as a grocery store cashier or something would probably get you more money, some employee bennies (do they get a employee discount) and get you out of the house for a bit, but who am I to judge how other people spend their time? I’m commenting on lifehacker when I

I actually know exactly what you mean. I have a few friends who are into couponing as a hobby, basically, and they all fit a basic “type.” They are all moms, they are all not particularly well-educated*, they are all (except one) not working by choice — which tells me they are all well-off enough that they don’t HAVE

I do this as well. With a few staples like chicken, beans, avocados, tomatoes, potatoes, pasta & rice, etc., and the right selection of seasonings I can make a huge variety of meals. Probably 90% of my grocery list is the same 20 items from week to week, but if you asked my husband, he would tell you that we have a

I didn’t officially stop clipping coupons, but I have noticed that now that we live closer to a great farmer’s market-type place where I buy all my meat and produce, I have virtually no need for them. Most coupons are for stuff you probably shouldn’t be buying that often, like the aforementioned TV dinners.

Guess you didn’t notice that comment was written more than a day before the video came out.

I think part of the issue is that some people have terrible email hygiene for lack of a better term. So when they “do email” they are scrolling through newsletters they don’t really want/need to read, checking out the cat photos their mom sent, confirming the detail for that golf outing that Joe sent over the weekend

Yeah, I recall seeing a documentary on a race walk years and years ago. I turned it on to laugh at them, but that shit is INTENSE. (No pun intended.)