You read a lot of inaccurate things into my statement which I neither implied nor agree with and continue to respond to that rather than what I actually said. But, OK, you clearly have strong feelings about him. Do you, bro.
You read a lot of inaccurate things into my statement which I neither implied nor agree with and continue to respond to that rather than what I actually said. But, OK, you clearly have strong feelings about him. Do you, bro.
I didn’t see anyone claiming he has an awful life currently...
No shit.
I don’t need him on commercials and reality shows, and never said I did. Nowhere did I say that was what he SHOULD be doing.
Personality-wise he seems pretty “meh” to me. But I obviously have a hell of a lot of respect for his achievements. But I think I still far somewhere short of “like.” My sense is that’s how a lot of people feel, although I can’t say I’ve discussed it at length with anyone.
Both. (But the Ritchie is on my side.)
I am 95% sure you are one of my in-laws. Probably a cousin.
It’s entirely possible that he is doping, of course. I assume at least half of them are.
Same. I was telling my husband this morning that there is just something utterly primal about the racing events (swimming and track) and ESPECIALLY the relays.
This was my thought as I was watching it last night. To my knowledge, no one gets THAT much better — to a point of total dominance — that quickly without some doping shenanigans of some kind.
They were so atrocious. They were boring, sounded bored themselves, had nothing to say for great swaths of the show when commentary would have been helpful and contributed the most useless info when they did bother to open their traps.
WTF am I looking at here?
As long as you are eating during the course of the night, Drink 3 is the best tasting and most fun drink. And the optimal drink to end with.
Well, if they don’t agree with Trump or Clinton (and there are many who do not!) it makes a certain sense to vote for the Republican anyway in hopes the rest of the party drags him closer to your views.
“What Trump is onto is he’s just saying what’s on his mind. And sometimes it’s not so good.”
I have asked myself this question ... I think I probably would’ve gone third party. But ... it’s a hard to say.
I see, you're one of those folks. Sorry I engaged.
I have a friend sort of like this. She *routinely* texts me about what an asshole her husband is being — usually because he’s refusing to help with the kids or the housework. And then literally, within minutes she will put a post on Facebook about how she doesn’t know how she would live without him because he is such…
But there is a difference between “normal” curating, ie. posting the highlights only (skipping the vacation photo where you look like you have five chins and instead posting the one of your kid doing something super cute) and the curation this post is talking about which is creating an essentially false narrative…