
Awe, you are so welcome. We all are entitled to some down days, and I certainly know how it feels. It was a pleasure to remind you of your undoubtably numerous wonderful qualities! Have a nice day!

My goodness. You, your style, your skin, your eye for colour is all absolutely gorgeous and inspirational. Thank you.

I find aging and this particular aspect of it pretty liberating.

I don't feel bogged down anymore by teenage pressure to be beautiful or what everyone else thinks I should be.

Now that everyone focus is shifting elsewhere, I feel free to be myself without scrutiny. I suppose it's a positive about getting older and

I'm sure you're still beautiful as hell, girl. Listen, I know some days it doesn't feel like it, but we all are dealing with our problems. I'm sure people admire you for certain qualities that you don't even realize they notice.

I suffer from skin tags in places and I have to always deal with it. It's kind of funny,

That sentence kind of thew me off, too. It doesn't do justice to the girls to call them "women," it turns him into more of an exhibitionist than a child abuser. Both are bad in this sense, but one is notably true in this case. Adult male exposed himself to children.

Are you sure it's the latter? Just because it's a chemical, doesn't mean it's not close to or even in its natural state. There are many naturally occurring chemicals.

You really need to learn to take care of your own damn needs.

(But in all seriousness that was a hilarious clip)

You know, I'm not going to say you're wrong.


Hey, I'd share.

Me too. I'm really scared. WHAT IS THIS TINGLE I FEEL FOR HIM.

The first step to recognizing that you have a problem is to admit it to yourself, so, here it goes.

I would have sex with Kanye West 500 times a day. I find his absolute delusion about himself (along with his physical appearance) incredibly attractive.

Hi. I make bad choices in life.

Chrissy Teigen could pretty much kiss her modelling career goodbye if she joins that trashy panel of idiots.

Prior to moving in with my boyfriend, I was such a fucking weirdo.

I would put on full stadium concerts in my bedroom where I would morph into my own version of Shania Twain, and I would wave to all my fans from the bed and touch their invisible hands (with my greasy pizza fingers because in between songs I gorrrrrged,

Unless the guy was a real fucking asshole, I would never "expose" or even TALK publicly about someone and their fetishes, etc. Doesn't matter if you don't say a name, people can eventually figure it out.

Politicians are just as freaky as the rest of the population, but they have to be extra careful (which sometimes