
Also it wasn’t the “shock of her life.” It barely elicited an eyebrow raise.

Thank you for the last few sentences. My father has guilt tripped me for the past four years (basically since I was 16) about not calling him because “I’m an adult now too” but he never makes the attempt either. This kind of bullshit is super manipulative behaviour because they don’t want to make the effort to see

Ugh Zach Braff stop stealing jokes from 5 years ago that were only funny for a half a second. Go away, you self-important prat.

Because we all know that Billy was the hot Baldwin.

Thank God it’s not just me.

Please. As if she wouldn’t wanna sleep with her dad if he still looked like this:

I keep reading your conversation with Ed Sheeran over and over thinking one of these times I am going to understand what you’re talking about. Nope :/

YES! A thousand times yes. Thank you.

As a pun this will always be A+++

Well now I can’t go out to lunch because I’m DEAD. DEAD FROM THIS ANSWER.

1. those handles are not bamboo

That looks ideal for a pickpocket to slip a hand into and grab your wallet and phone while you’re paying attention to the baby.

As a real actual hobo, I would just like to say that the bindle is wholly impractical for a hobo lifestyle. So jokes on you, wannabes.

The 2015 version of the hobo bindle would almost assuredly be 5-6 grocery store style plastic bags hung on the end of a stick.

Yeah, I’ve often asked myself why I’ve always been more on the modest side; it’s not because I’m older now. I can honestly say that as far as I can remember, I never enjoyed wearing the shortest shorts or tighest clothes. I have no idea why. Sometimes I think because I like the mystery. Anticipation is one of my

Respect for women’s agency when it comes to what they choose to do with their bodies is the opposite of damaging. It’s a goal that societies should strive for. You say that women wear revealing clothes not for themselves, but for the patriarchy, and that they’re caving in instead of being strong. But someone could

Are they really “owning it” when half-naked, surgically enhanced women start to resemble bedazzled show-horses? Honestly, this reminds me of when Jezebel tried to sell Belle Knox as being an empowered, feminist that we should all admire and root for. Meanwhile, she has the body of a pre-pubescant (not even an ounce of

Yeah, I’m personally a bit uncomfortable with the whole “I choose my choice” kind of philosophy, though at the same time I’m also uncomfortable with positioning myself as some arbiter of feminism, so it’s complicated for me. But there is a bit of rationalizing decisions that fall completely in line with hegemonic

This is stupid.

You make some good points, but it still doesn’t answer my question. If you do answer the question, you surrender to making your points a little less valid.