My other car was the other woman

Link, that is not how you draw a bow...

Mortal Kombat Go! Be careful where you use this one...

The issue isn’t that soccer isn’t popular in the States. It’s that MLS still isn’t the same quality as other soccer options.

Now playing

They’re probably gonna watch this after their game of pac-man...

You wouldn’t leave a 5 year old alone at home. With a huge budget. Over several years.

I think what’s really sad here is that you went with the years you guys won the pennant, which no one actually gives a shit about.

Could’ve been worse. They could have tried to call the game No Man’s Edge.

This is going to be the ultimate litmus test for the future of VR. If people are willing to use VR for something like this, and if Bethesda, can do it right, this would be major.

It’s the NHL. They’re used to that by now.

“Nike firmly believes that any New Balance contract actually offered to Defendant included reductions,” said Nike in a court filing, “given that they are such a standard provision of endorsement contracts.”

Unfortunately, I don’t think Konami will be doing an E3 presentation this year...

I think we need to have a challenge to include Trump in every single ‘shop contest until election day.

For some reason, I’m reminded of learning about logic from college programming classes. We used the word “iff” as shorthand for “if and only if”. Wonder if anyone else here is familiar with it...

Time to break some hearts...

Wait...I thought this was about UFC. That isn’t Roger Goodell up there.

I’m pretty sure at this point, it’s heavily implied. You’d have to be living under a rock to not know how much of a petty, short-tempered asshole Dana White is.

Glad you enjoyed it! I’m really happy with how it came out.

Certainly one hell of a striker, too.

I know that there is a possibility of a Tetris movie, but I think it could work. Hear me out, I’m not talking about a movie where the plot is Tetris, that makes no sense. Rather, a movie about Tetris, about the creator, Alexy Pajitnov.

Dang...nowhere near close to that! 17 hours in, best so far is the boss of the 3rd chamber, no shortcuts yet. However, I am steadily improving!