My other car was the other woman

As of now, it’s Enter the Gungeon. I got it on a whim on Steam after seeing some stuff about it, but it’s now my daily obsession. There has only been one day since I got it when I didn’t play it.

For some reason, this was my first thought.

First thing that came to mind...

So is your comment, so I guess we’re even?

He really didn’t use his noggin...

My dad’s a huge fan of it too, Hal Jordan’s his favorite hero of all time. Got it for him for Christmas. Honestly if anybody want to know how to do a Green Lantern movie, just point to this.

I think stuffing something inside Reese’s cups would be good, but just not more peanut butter. Chocolate would be best, though I’m just hoping they bring these back:

Unless ESPN tells the police to arrest him, the network wasn’t violating Schilling’s free speech. ESPN was using its own “free speech” to tell Schilling they didn’t want him at his company any more.

Great trailer, but I can’t be the only one who’s a little off-put hearing Benedict Cumberbatch, the most British actor, talking with an American accent.

Why bother with just one when you can have them ALL?

Don’t forget, the 2022 Winter Olympics are in Beijing. So, if you thought 2008 was a disaster...

+1 shot of potato vodka

Quick test to see if something is incredibly offensive:

Done and done :)

Yes, because Broforce - a game where you play as thinly disguised action icons killing everything that moves in an orgy of explosion and blood - is completely non-interesting.

Part of me wonders if people bought this thinking it was a new OutRun.

Because a lot of non-AAA games are extremely fun?

I’m giving Robin a Birthday party! Hope he likes the choice of venue...

Early front-runner for Bear of the Year?