To be fair, that goal was a spicy meat-a-ball!
To be fair, that goal was a spicy meat-a-ball!
Pretty sure Yankees schadenfreude is now being considered as treatment for depression...
Are we sure the guy on the left in the Superbad photo is actually a cosplayer and not just some random guy caught up in the moment?
I love the new Tomb Raider series, but I’m a little nervous if a studio that’s not Crystal Dynamics is working on it. It always seems like a worse game when it’s made by a different studio. See also:
Another thing to keep in mind: He competed in the 15k, the shortest men’s event. The longest of these things is goddamn 50k. I’ve always found something crazy about seeing the winner of the 50k collapse almost immediately after crossing the finish line.
Footage of his response:
Kinda makes you wonder what Ivy will look like...
Seems appropriate, as he’ll probably have as much success in the NFL as Troy Smith.
Honestly, this is even better.
Did you watch last night’s 34-21 Bills win over the Jets?
Odyssey is a playground of action game types, an endless buffet at the good kind of Sizzler, the one with the chicken wings and the cheese toast.
Keep in mind, Stranger Things season 2 also comes out on Friday. I wonder how many people will be playing any of those games on Friday, since they may be too busy binge watching that instead.
Here’s an interesting wager in a few years: Will the hockey team have better attendance than the Raiders?
In that fight, I vote for an earthquake to swallow them both.
Because Left Tackles aren’t the ones who might get an endorsement deal if they turn out to be really good.
Well, shit, now I want that movie.
I think the most telling stat of how dominant they are in this streak is that, counting tonight, they’ve allowed 32 runs and smacked 39 dongs.
Also to keep in mind: Riggs was 55 and retired when he played Billie Jean, who was 25 years younger and in the prime of her career.