My other car was the other woman

Given the high quality of all the runners-up and the winner, I’m kind of honored to make the cut. Congrats to everyone!

Coming from you, I’ll take either :)

Just for Men: Takes years off your look.

I agree with you there. My hope was that Charlize Theron would have gotten a best Actress nomination for Mad Max as well, because the movie doesn’t work without her.

All I’m saying is, we’ve never seen Stan Kroenke’s and Donald Trump’s hair in the same room...

Why do I get the feeling that the Bucs did all this just to keep Koetter, and he ends up taking a job elsewhere? That would be wonderfully chaotic.

Never forget...

Just curious, what’s your take on the Tomsula firing? It’s hard to make a judgement call on a coach’s ability after a single season, especially one with half the wheels falling off before the season starts.

Dude’s only a Sophomore, so he’ll be back to wreck everything next year, then we can talk about his draft prospects.

This is the perfect response.

Probably because it looks natural, mixing in the gray hair and color together, like how hair actually grays. In the Fantastic 4 movies, it just looks like someone painted on a patch of white.

Every time I see this, all I want is a guest appearance from Gax from the Wondermark comic.

It really does VORP the situation.

My dad has always been bald for as long as I can remember, and it was always somewhat shiny. For some reason, I believed my dad completely when he told me he buffed his head every night. I can’t be the only kid who fell for this.

(The next day...)

Now playing

For the “SOUUUUPPPP!” lady, there is only one man who can defeat her:


Cute as a button...