I think we need to have a challenge to include Trump in every single ‘shop contest until election day.
I think we need to have a challenge to include Trump in every single ‘shop contest until election day.
For some reason, I’m reminded of learning about logic from college programming classes. We used the word “iff” as shorthand for “if and only if”. Wonder if anyone else here is familiar with it...
Wait...I thought this was about UFC. That isn’t Roger Goodell up there.
I’m pretty sure at this point, it’s heavily implied. You’d have to be living under a rock to not know how much of a petty, short-tempered asshole Dana White is.
Glad you enjoyed it! I’m really happy with how it came out.
Certainly one hell of a striker, too.
I know that there is a possibility of a Tetris movie, but I think it could work. Hear me out, I’m not talking about a movie where the plot is Tetris, that makes no sense. Rather, a movie about Tetris, about the creator, Alexy Pajitnov.
Dang...nowhere near close to that! 17 hours in, best so far is the boss of the 3rd chamber, no shortcuts yet. However, I am steadily improving!
As of now, it’s Enter the Gungeon. I got it on a whim on Steam after seeing some stuff about it, but it’s now my daily obsession. There has only been one day since I got it when I didn’t play it.
So is your comment, so I guess we’re even?
He really didn’t use his noggin...
Unless ESPN tells the police to arrest him, the network wasn’t violating Schilling’s free speech. ESPN was using its own “free speech” to tell Schilling they didn’t want him at his company any more.
Great trailer, but I can’t be the only one who’s a little off-put hearing Benedict Cumberbatch, the most British actor, talking with an American accent.
Don’t forget, the 2022 Winter Olympics are in Beijing. So, if you thought 2008 was a disaster...