The old folks might want to fight over him, but clearly the kids grew up in a world where Chappelle’s Show already had its impact on the world, and now they just see him as an old man who yells about the people they want to feel included and safe.
The old folks might want to fight over him, but clearly the kids grew up in a world where Chappelle’s Show already had its impact on the world, and now they just see him as an old man who yells about the people they want to feel included and safe.
you mean THEE brown suit?
Only if you think he’s actually crying. I’ve seen children do this when they don’t want to do something and they scream and scream pretending that they’re crying so that their parents will back off.
Weird, innit?
He’s “crying” yet there are no tears...
The Lincoln Project is full of people who paved the way for Trump, fuck them.
Seems like prime GOP material too me. You know... if not for the whole black thing.
who alleged that the former NFL star once put a gun to her head and said: “I’m going to blow your f’ing brains out.”
I am smart. Michael Harriot is MUCH smarter. I wouldn’t debate Michael Harriot with the expectation of anything other than being abjectly humiliated by just how much better he is at explaining ideas, using language creatively, spinning narratives that grab attention, and laying rhetorical traps.