Yeah I loved his stuff when I was in college, reminisced over it when I was in my 30s, and then started feeling disillusioned. Although I still have such strong feelings for his older material. Even pre-Chappelle’s Show!
So I’ve been mulling this over a lot, and I think I figured out the three things that are the most wrong about Dave’s approach on this.
As someone who could probably quote Killing them Softly from start to finish, that Dave is gone. I love the “he is so busy yelling at people he forgot to be funny” because that feels so accurate.
Dave Chappelle has turned into a white guy.
When you find yourself on the side of Floyd Mayweather and Tucker Carlson, you may want to reassess your life choices, but oh well.
I was going to listen to nearly every doctor and scientist on earth, but you know what...the guy who thinks the earth is flat and the domestic abuser who can barely read make some valid points.
The Gadsby crack shows his hand. This was all about generating buzz and being an above it all dick.
Floyd Mayweather stay on the wrong side of shit. Power to the people? More like power to the fucking dumbasses.
Yeah, Republicans will take a dead horse and beat it into pulp, but when caught with a herd of dead elephants suddenly it’s “let’s move on.”
Watch when they the GOP wins in ‘24 and they spend the next fours years having hearings about the Afghanistan withdrawal Condi ain’t gonna have shit to say.
Yeah, like...we HAVE a pretty solid “let’s move on” point. It’s called “post-sentencing.”
The GOP spent Obama’s entire presidency ranting about Benghazi, which was a tailgate party compared to Jan. 6, so, no.
Yep. It is sad. There’s no way to get permanently ungrayed. Kinja is fucked up. Gray comments can’t be seen by anybody. It used to be fun around here. Now it’s a ghost town.