
#notallMuslims. I have a friend who identifies as Muslim, and she not only doesn’t dress in the garb one would expect, but she’s not anti-gay.

I was actually pleasantly surprised by the reaction of some of my more conservative FB friends.

How are you? I’m thinking of you and everyone else in our community who has to be a journalist today when maybe they just want to grieve.

Please somebody get me out of the gray.

To paraphrase Kids in the Hall, “[She’s] Canadian! That’s like an American, but without the gun.”

I hope Be The Light is helping with counseling resources for the whole family.

and what the fuck does he mean by “proper film actor” vs. “movie star”. He’s making some massive distinction, where I think it is a venn diagram.

I need to download that “That’s enough internet for today” cat gif.

That crossed my mind—for a minisecond, but Jones is just so funny and very bright. I do think it’s cool that a woman in her late ‘40s is one of the best cast members of SNL especially coming after that young “white-out” cast from a few years ago. Jones gets what a lot of those kids didn’t—a laugh.

Yeah, that one was tough. She looked back on that experience as so great - and from such a long distance in time. So for her it was positive. For me, though, I look back and wish someone had told me no. It hasn’t wrecked my life, but I feel I was lucky and could have easily gotten into a lot more trouble if things had

“a tramp who wanted it”

This is my possibly far fetched theory: is it possible that someone else is looking to come forward and name names, but confided in him to bring attention to it first as leverage? He’s well respected, has a clean media history himself, and it would make the announcement later come less out of left field.

I carry all the makeup I wear on the reg in my purse because I’m a lazy asshole who does her makeup in the parking lot of her office and/or at red lights on the way to work and/or while my husband is driving and we’re going out somewhere. To do it at home means starting to get ready 10 minutes earlier and I am not

Cars should come with tweezers. They should be standard.

When i leave the house for the day I only have a lip crayon. You do what you want! (Within reason, like no murders please)

Not at all! There’s no right or wrong.

That’s my second - my first is the improper use of the apostrophe.

Thrift stores. Seriously, they are the best for jeans. Most of them have been washed enough that they've shrunk as much as they're going to. I usually have to try on a metric ton of them, but I can generally end up with one or two pairs per run that fit PERFECT. I'm never buying new jeans again.


Whenever I read or hear the word “vibe(s),” I think “sex shop.” Every time.