
My take away from this is that while the republicans were busy issuing mailers showing kneeling football players and poorly constructed communist memes, Democrat candidates were talking about actual issues. Don’t play in the reality tv space, which is where the Rs want to be since nearly ALL of their ideas are

Greens with no meat and chicken with no skin? Girl, BYE!

Tastes in food are personal, vary wildly from person-to-person, and should never be a topic to judge another on.

I can’t even continue to read this blasphemy. I saw fried chicken skin and cocked my neck back so far you woulda though Dotard had called MY mama a b*tch. I’m unfriending you on FB ma’am. You dis-re-spek-ful fa dis.

You crazy - This whole list is a single plate of food I would devour in 4 seconds.

It might also be that this person wants to be able to make this info available to any of the descendants of those formerly enslaved, should they inquire. Having been on ancestry boards with descendants of slave-owning families bearing some of my ancestors’ surnames, and not being able to get a single response to

that’s exactly how i feel. just leave the descendants alone. sounds like this person is trying to ameliorate the discomfort of knowing he had shitty ancestors. my advice to him is just learn to live with it.

True, but if you look at it as something stolen from a brutually-invaded then colonized brown country and then cultivated on the backs of brown and black labor —including the slave who first pollinated vanilla outside of Mexico— to the almost exclusive financial benefit of Europeans and the descendants of

Good for Tammi! Tonya really worked hard to get where she is now. I have no doubt Tracy will flourish at Fox News.

Trump is running the country like his businesses: multiple lawsuits at a time.

Putting “punk” in anything’s name is a guaranteed cultural identity crisis, ever since ‘77.

We should call her a moron and a hypocrite. As someone who has spent a lifetime railing against her Catholic family, this is some bullshit. You either are Catholic or you’re not. You either believe in not having pre-marital sex, not using birth control, never having an abortion, not fucking a married man, that

Lena Dunham’s goal is to destroy white privilege by using it all up.

This place is called a place where people can enjoy a concert without also being 95 years old and sitting in silent stillness and memorizing dead European peoples’ rules for when you can clap etc

I’ve decided, after having a couple alpha-assholes pull the move on me, that the way to deal with this kind of dimestore-leadership-handbook handshake-dominance bullshit is to cut off the attempt by not allowing the wannabe-alpha grab at the palm like a normal person, but instead to close the grip early, clamping down

Hi, stupid.

I’m no conspiracy theorist but if you were to tell me that the people in this picture were actually lizard-people?

Should we assume that all this advice is white-people-centric? I can see how pushing gunky matter into your ear can cause problems, but us Asian folks have dry earwax, and I have no sense at all that I’m causing any buildup by using ear picks or q-tips.

The medical value of having an ENT [ear, nose and throat specialist] clean ears that have a history of problems should not be underestimated.